AppImage /

Given an URL to an AppImage, the GitHub action in this project inspects the AppImage and puts it into a community-maintained catalog
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[Feature Request] Use included screenshot #3350

Open Drsheppard01 opened 3 months ago

Drsheppard01 commented 3 months ago

I think the best UX is to use the screenshot specified in appdata.metainfo. I even wrote a small parser (I managed to get the right result, but I'm sure it won't always be like this)

cat $METAFILE | grep '<image type="source">' | sed "s/^\ *<[^>]*>//g;s/<\/[^>]*>//g" | cut -d'>' -f2  # For 1 screenshot
cat $METAFILE | grep '<image>' | sed "s/^\ *<[^>]*>//g;s/<\/[^>]*>//g" | cut -d '>' -f1 | head -n1 # For multiple screenshots



Not all include appdata.xml or metainfo.xml in your AppImage

probonopd commented 1 month ago

I think we already show the screenshot specified there, if one exists?

In any case, part of the test is that we can take a screenshot, and I am checking those for any obvious issues (like just a black or white window).

This test must still be passed, even though we then use the AppStream screenshot when putting together the HTML.

Drsheppard01 commented 1 month ago

Historically, most applications in Linux have an "Internet addiction" and often instead of a screenshot giving the user an idea of the application's appearance and functions, the user sees a "No Internet connection" window

probonopd commented 1 month ago

Yes. Hence if the AppStream metadata includes a screenshot, we use that one.

But if the application just shows a black or white window, I consider that a failed test.