AppImageCommunity / pkg2appimage

Tool and recipes to convert existing deb packages to AppImage
MIT License
698 stars 216 forks source link

Need a way to have an excludedeblist also in the recipe #189

Closed probonopd closed 7 years ago

probonopd commented 7 years ago

It should get added to the global excludedeblist to help in situations like this:

app: MultiSystem
binpatch: true

  dist: trusty
    - deb trusty main universe
    - deb all main
  Installing gtkdialog as PreDepends of multisystem
    Installing libfreetype6 as Depends of gtkdialog
      Installing multiarch-support as PreDepends of libfreetype6
      Installing libpng12-0 as Depends of libfreetype6
        Installing zlib1g as Depends of libpng12-0
    Installing libglade2-0 as Depends of gtkdialog
      Installing libxml2 as Depends of libglade2-0
        Installing liblzma5 as Depends of libxml2
    Installing libvte9 as Depends of gtkdialog
      Installing libtinfo5 as Depends of libvte9
      Installing libx11-6 as Depends of libvte9
        Installing libx11-data as Depends of libx11-6
      Installing libvte-common as Depends of libvte9
  Installing vim-common as Depends of multisystem
  Installing xz-utils as Depends of multisystem
  Installing mtools as Depends of multisystem
  Installing aptitude as Depends of multisystem
    Installing aptitude-common as Depends of aptitude
    Installing libapt-pkg4.12 as Depends of aptitude
      Installing libbz2-1.0 as Depends of libapt-pkg4.12
    Installing libboost-iostreams1.54.0 as Depends of aptitude
    Installing libcwidget3 as Depends of aptitude
      Installing libncursesw5 as Depends of libcwidget3
      Installing libsigc++-2.0-0c2a as Depends of libcwidget3
    Installing libept1.4.12 as Depends of aptitude
    Installing libsqlite3-0 as Depends of aptitude
    Installing libxapian22 as Depends of aptitude
      Installing libuuid1 as Depends of libxapian22
  Installing gvfs-bin as Depends of multisystem
    Installing gvfs-common as Depends of gvfs-bin
      Installing desktop-file-utils as Depends of gvfs-common
  Installing squashfs-tools as Depends of multisystem
    Installing liblzo2-2 as Depends of squashfs-tools
  Installing dosfstools as Depends of multisystem
  Installing cabextract as Depends of multisystem
  Installing rsync as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libacl1 as Depends of rsync
      Installing libattr1 as Depends of libacl1
    Installing libpopt0 as Depends of rsync
    Installing base-files as Depends of rsync
      Installing mawk as PreDepends of base-files
  Installing bash as Depends of multisystem
    Installing dash as PreDepends of bash
      Installing debianutils as Depends of dash
        Installing sensible-utils as Depends of debianutils
  Installing genisoimage as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libmagic1 as Depends of genisoimage
  Installing fatresize as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libparted0debian1 as Depends of fatresize
      Installing libblkid1 as Depends of libparted0debian1
      Installing libdevmapper1.02.1 as Depends of libparted0debian1
        Installing libselinux1 as Depends of libdevmapper1.02.1
          Installing libpcre3 as Depends of libselinux1
        Installing libudev1 as Depends of libdevmapper1.02.1
          Installing libcgmanager0 as Depends of libudev1
            Installing libnih-dbus1 as Depends of libcgmanager0
              Installing libnih1 as Depends of libnih-dbus1
        Installing dmsetup as Depends of libdevmapper1.02.1
          Installing initramfs-tools as Depends of dmsetup
            Installing initramfs-tools-bin as Depends of initramfs-tools
            Installing klibc-utils as Depends of initramfs-tools
              Installing libklibc as Depends of klibc-utils
            Installing busybox-initramfs as Depends of initramfs-tools
            Installing cpio as Depends of initramfs-tools
            Installing module-init-tools as Depends of initramfs-tools
              Installing libkmod2 as Depends of module-init-tools
              Installing kmod as Depends of module-init-tools
                Installing sysv-rc as Depends of kmod
                  Installing sysvinit-utils as Depends of sysv-rc
                  Installing insserv as Depends of sysv-rc
            Installing findutils as Depends of initramfs-tools
            Installing util-linux as Depends of initramfs-tools
              Installing libncurses5 as PreDepends of util-linux
              Installing libslang2 as PreDepends of util-linux
              Installing tzdata as Depends of util-linux
  Installing unzip as Depends of multisystem
  Installing hdparm as Depends of multisystem
  Installing gettext as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libcroco3 as Depends of gettext
    Installing libgomp1 as Depends of gettext
      Installing gcc-4.8-base as Depends of libgomp1
    Installing libunistring0 as Depends of gettext
    Installing gettext-base as Depends of gettext
      Installing libasprintf0c2 as Depends of gettext-base
  Installing parted as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libreadline6 as Depends of parted
      Installing readline-common as Depends of libreadline6
  Installing xterm as Depends of multisystem
    Installing xbitmaps as Depends of xterm
    Installing libice6 as Depends of xterm
      Installing x11-common as Depends of libice6
    Installing libutempter0 as Depends of xterm
      Installing adduser as Depends of libutempter0
        Installing perl-base as Depends of adduser
    Installing libxaw7 as Depends of xterm
      Installing libxext6 as Depends of libxaw7
      Installing libxmu6 as Depends of libxaw7
        Installing libxt6 as Depends of libxmu6
          Installing libsm6 as Depends of libxt6
      Installing libxpm4 as Depends of libxaw7
    Installing libxft2 as Depends of xterm
      Installing libxrender1 as Depends of libxft2
  Installing zenity as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libnotify4 as Depends of zenity
    Installing libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 as Depends of zenity
      Installing libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
        Installing libicu52 as Depends of libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0
      Installing libenchant1c2a as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
        Installing aspell-en as Depends of libenchant1c2a
          Installing aspell as Depends of aspell-en
            Installing libaspell15 as Depends of aspell
        Installing libhunspell-1.3-0 as Depends of libenchant1c2a
      Installing libgeoclue0 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
        Installing libdbus-glib-1-2 as Depends of libgeoclue0
      Installing libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
        Installing libgstreamer1.0-0 as Depends of libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0
        Installing liborc-0.4-0 as Depends of libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0
        Installing iso-codes as Depends of libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0
      Installing libharfbuzz-icu0 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
        Installing libharfbuzz0b as Depends of libharfbuzz-icu0
          Installing libgraphite2-3 as Depends of libharfbuzz0b
      Installing libjpeg8 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
        Installing libjpeg-turbo8 as Depends of libjpeg8
      Installing libsecret-1-0 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
        Installing libgcrypt11 as Depends of libsecret-1-0
        Installing libsecret-common as Depends of libsecret-1-0
      Installing libsoup2.4-1 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
      Installing libwebp5 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
      Installing libxcomposite1 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
      Installing libxdamage1 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
      Installing libxslt1.1 as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
      Installing libwebkitgtk-3.0-common as Depends of libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
    Installing zenity-common as Depends of zenity
  Installing xdotool as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libxdo3 as Depends of xdotool
      Installing libxinerama1 as Depends of libxdo3
      Installing libxtst6 as Depends of libxdo3
  Installing wmctrl as Depends of multisystem
  Installing qemu as Depends of multisystem
    Installing qemu-system as Depends of qemu
      Installing qemu-system-arm as Depends of qemu-system
        Installing libaio1 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libbluetooth3 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libbrlapi0.6 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libcurl3-gnutls as Depends of qemu-system-arm
          Installing libgnutls26 as Depends of libcurl3-gnutls
            Installing libp11-kit0 as Depends of libgnutls26
              Installing libffi6 as Depends of libp11-kit0
          Installing libgssapi-krb5-2 as Depends of libcurl3-gnutls
            Installing libcomerr2 as Depends of libgssapi-krb5-2
            Installing libk5crypto3 as Depends of libgssapi-krb5-2
              Installing libkrb5support0 as Depends of libk5crypto3
            Installing libkrb5-3 as Depends of libgssapi-krb5-2
              Installing libkeyutils1 as Depends of libkrb5-3
          Installing libidn11 as Depends of libcurl3-gnutls
          Installing libldap-2.4-2 as Depends of libcurl3-gnutls
            Installing libgssapi3-heimdal as Depends of libldap-2.4-2
              Installing libasn1-8-heimdal as Depends of libgssapi3-heimdal
                Installing libroken18-heimdal as Depends of libasn1-8-heimdal
              Installing libhcrypto4-heimdal as Depends of libgssapi3-heimdal
              Installing libheimntlm0-heimdal as Depends of libgssapi3-heimdal
                Installing libkrb5-26-heimdal as Depends of libheimntlm0-heimdal
                  Installing libheimbase1-heimdal as Depends of libkrb5-26-heimdal
                  Installing libhx509-5-heimdal as Depends of libkrb5-26-heimdal
                    Installing libwind0-heimdal as Depends of libhx509-5-heimdal
            Installing libsasl2-2 as Depends of libldap-2.4-2
              Installing libsasl2-modules-db as Depends of libsasl2-2
                Installing libdb5.3 as Depends of libsasl2-modules-db
          Installing librtmp0 as Depends of libcurl3-gnutls
        Installing libfdt1 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libpixman-1-0 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libpulse0 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
          Installing libasyncns0 as Depends of libpulse0
          Installing libjson-c2 as Depends of libpulse0
          Installing libsndfile1 as Depends of libpulse0
            Installing libflac8 as Depends of libsndfile1
              Installing libogg0 as Depends of libflac8
            Installing libvorbis0a as Depends of libsndfile1
            Installing libvorbisenc2 as Depends of libsndfile1
          Installing libwrap0 as Depends of libpulse0
        Installing librados2 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
          Installing libboost-system1.54.0 as Depends of librados2
          Installing libboost-thread1.54.0 as Depends of librados2
          Installing libnspr4 as Depends of librados2
        Installing librbd1 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libsdl1.2debian as Depends of qemu-system-arm
          Installing libcaca0 as Depends of libsdl1.2debian
        Installing libseccomp2 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libspice-server1 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
          Installing libssl1.0.0 as Depends of libspice-server1
        Installing libusb-1.0-0 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libusbredirparser1 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
        Installing libxen-4.4 as Depends of qemu-system-arm
          Installing libxenstore3.0 as Depends of libxen-4.4
          Installing libyajl2 as Depends of libxen-4.4
        Installing qemu-system-common as Depends of qemu-system-arm
          Installing libcap-ng0 as Depends of qemu-system-common
          Installing libcap2 as Depends of qemu-system-common
          Installing acl as Depends of qemu-system-common
        Installing qemu-keymaps as Depends of qemu-system-arm
      Installing qemu-system-mips as Depends of qemu-system
      Installing qemu-system-ppc as Depends of qemu-system
      Installing qemu-system-sparc as Depends of qemu-system
      Installing qemu-system-x86 as Depends of qemu-system
        Installing seabios as Depends of qemu-system-x86
        Installing ipxe-qemu as Depends of qemu-system-x86
      Installing qemu-system-misc as Depends of qemu-system
    Installing qemu-user as Depends of qemu
    Installing qemu-utils as Depends of qemu
  Installing imagemagick as Depends of multisystem
    Installing libmagickcore5 as Depends of imagemagick
      Installing libfftw3-double3 as Depends of libmagickcore5
      Installing libjasper1 as Depends of libmagickcore5
      Installing libjbig0 as Depends of libmagickcore5
      Installing liblcms2-2 as Depends of libmagickcore5
      Installing liblqr-1-0 as Depends of libmagickcore5
      Installing libltdl7 as Depends of libmagickcore5
      Installing libtiff5 as Depends of libmagickcore5
      Installing imagemagick-common as Depends of libmagickcore5
    Installing libmagickwand5 as Depends of imagemagick
    Installing hicolor-icon-theme as Depends of imagemagick
  Installing syslinux as Depends of multisystem
    Installing syslinux-common as Depends of syslinux
  Installing grub-pc as Depends of multisystem
    Installing grub-common as Depends of grub-pc
      Installing libfuse2 as Depends of grub-common
    Installing grub2-common as Depends of grub-pc
    Installing grub-pc-bin as Depends of grub-pc
    Installing ucf as Depends of grub-pc
      Installing coreutils as Depends of ucf
    Installing grub-gfxpayload-lists as Depends of grub-pc
  Installing cryptsetup as Depends of multisystem
    Installing plymouth as Depends of cryptsetup
      Installing libplymouth2 as Depends of plymouth
      Installing mountall as Depends of plymouth
        Installing makedev as Depends of mountall
          Installing base-passwd as Depends of makedev
            Installing libdebconfclient0 as Depends of base-passwd
      Installing upstart as Depends of plymouth
        Installing initscripts as Depends of upstart
          Installing mount as Depends of initscripts
            Installing libmount1 as PreDepends of mount
        Installing ifupdown as Depends of upstart
          Installing iproute2 as Depends of ifupdown
        Installing libjson0 as Depends of upstart
    Installing cryptsetup-bin as Depends of cryptsetup
      Installing libcryptsetup4 as Depends of cryptsetup-bin
probonopd commented 7 years ago

Implemented, can be used like this:

app: MultiSystem
binpatch: true

  dist: trusty
    - deb trusty main universe
    - deb all main
    - qemu
    - qemu-kvm
    - cryptsetup
    - libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
    - dmsetup