AppImageCommunity / pkg2appimage

Tool and recipes to convert existing deb packages to AppImage
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Error when building Discord appimage (copying files) #237

Open Serkan-devel opened 7 years ago

Serkan-devel commented 7 years ago

Trying to build Discord with this .yml-file

app: Discord

    - wget
    - tar zxvf discord*.tar.gz

  - cp -r ../Discord/* usr/bin/
  - find . -name discord.png -exec cp {} discord.png \;
  - cat > Discord.desktop <<EOF
  - [Desktop Entry]
  - Name=Discord
  - StartupWMClass=discord
  - Comment=All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone.
  - GenericName=Internet Messenger
  - Exec=Discord %u
  - Icon=discord.png
  - Type=Application
  - StartupNotify=true
  - Categories=Network;InstantMessaging;
  - EOF

Gives me this error:

+ sed s/_=/+=/g
+ sed -i -e 's|^_script+=("||g' /tmp/recipe_script
+ sed -i -e 's|")$||g' /tmp/recipe_script
+ bash -ex /tmp/recipe_script
+ cp -r '../Discord/*' usr/bin/
cp: Aufruf von stat für '../Discord/*' nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

How should the copy mechanism be aligned for it to work?

probonopd commented 7 years ago

Please ask the makers of Discord to provide an official AppImage. I am happy to support them at that.