AppImageCrafters / AppRun

AppDir runtime components
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AppImage using bash built built Runtime version "Continuous" (commit 23d3ae5) are core dumping with segfault #44

Open mschuckmann opened 2 years ago

mschuckmann commented 2 years ago

Our AppImages that use bash started core dumping with segfaults a few days ago. We build and test our AppImages on Ubuntu 20.04.

We use AppImage-builder to create the AppImages and had the runtime version set to "Continuous" (this was based on the examples and the limited documentation available for this property.

We got things working again by setting the runtime version to "v1.2.5". It's not easy for me to see all of the "Continuous" builds for the runtime but I'm guessing the problem originates from one of the commits in March 2022.

ChrisBakkom commented 2 years ago

I can reproduce this with a very simple AppImageBuilder.yml recipe.

version: 1

  path: ./AppDir

    id: org.gnu.bash
    name: bash
    icon: utilities-terminal
    version: 4.4.20
    exec: bin/bash
    exec_args: $@

    arch: amd64
    allow_unauthenticated: true
      - sourceline: 'deb [arch=amd64] focal main restricted universe multiverse'
        key_url: ''

      - bash
      - coreutils
      - libpcre3

    version: 'continuous'

  update-information: None
  sign-key: None
  arch: x86_64

Run the appimage that is built by this recipe and it will seg fault

azubieta commented 2 years ago

@mschuckmann please use v1.2.5. The continuous is not stable right now and contains the code of what will be v2.0.0.

mschuckmann commented 2 years ago

@azubieta that's what we have done but it took us a while to figure out where the problem was and how to make the switch. I filled the bug here to make sure someone was aware of the problem.

Additionally I believe that all of the examples for the appimage-builder specify the continuous version for the runtime, and there really isn't any documentation that makes it clear what the runtime version is referencing or what the options are. I had to go spelunking through the code to figure out what to do. At a minimum the examples for appimage-builder should be changed to use a known stable version for the runtime.

azubieta commented 2 years ago

@mschuckmann good observations, will do the required changes.