AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-SDK-Android

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Mediation Debugger Crash with Selective Initialized Ad Units and Test Mode Enabled #626

Closed TyelorD closed 3 months ago

TyelorD commented 4 months ago

MAX SDK Version


Device/Platform Info


Current Behavior

Before updating from v12.1.0 this worked fine, but after updating I now get a crash when attempting to load ads inside the Mediation Debugger while it's set to Test Mode, after specifying selectively initialized ad units. Just before the crash AppLovinSdk throws the following error: Ad Unit ID test_mode_interstitial has not been initialized. When you use selective init, any ad units that you do not explicitly specify are excluded from serving ads for the current session.

But this error doesn't make sense, because I am explicitly specifying which ad units I want to use. This exact logic worked fine with v12.1.0 as well, so I assume this must be a new bug introduced, or perhaps there is some undocumented way I'm now supposed to set Test Mode Ad Units explicitly.

Expected Behavior

I expected to be able to use Selective Initialized Ad Units with the Mediation Debugger in Test Mode.

How to Reproduce

  1. Before initializing AppLovinSdk, create a List with the ad units we want to initialize.
  2. On our AppLovinSdkSettings call setInitializationAdUnitIds passing in the list from above.
  3. Set our mediation provider to "max".
  4. Initialize AppLovinSdk.
  5. Build and run the app, opening the Mediation Debugger
  6. Enable Test Mode in the Mediation Debugger, and restart the app as required.
  7. Open the Mediation Debugger back up, scroll down to "Completed SDK Integrations".
  8. Tap AppLovin, then scroll down to "Test Ads" and tap Test Mode.
  9. Attempt to load an Interstitial Ad
  10. Observe Crash

Additional Info

No response

Lorenzo45 commented 4 months ago

Hey @TyelorD - thanks for raising this. We'll make sure to fix this in our next SDK release.

Lorenzo45 commented 3 months ago

Hi @TyelorD - we just released SDK 12.3.0 which fixes this issue. Thanks for reporting!