AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-SDK-Android

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Fatal Exception: java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException #670

Open V-Beyond opened 1 month ago

V-Beyond commented 1 month ago

MAX SDK Version


Device/Platform Info

Galaxy A50,Android 11

Current Behavior

After I connected to the Applovin SDK, the online version without the Applovin SDK did not throw this exception. The online version with Applovin started throwing Fatal Exception: java. nio. channels OverlappingFileLockException.

This is the specific log: Fatal Exception: java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException: at at at at java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock( at org.chromium.android_webview.AwDataDirLock.b(chromium-TrichromeWebViewGoogle6432.aab-stable-636717933:84) at org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserProcess.j(chromium-TrichromeWebViewGoogle6432.aab-stable-636717933:16) at at at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at$ at

Expected Behavior

No response

How to Reproduce

Occurred under normal use by online users

Additional Info

No response

thomasmso commented 1 month ago

@V-Beyond - Thanks for reporting this issue. How do you know it is derived from AppLovin SDK and not another SDK? What % of DAUs is crashing? Is it only on Galaxy A50, Android 11 (and thus, reproducible)?

V-Beyond commented 1 month ago

What I am certain of is that this issue occurred after I connected to the Applovin SDK, which was originally connected to Applovin, AdMob,pangle,inmobi, Xiaomi, OPPO, Other Samsung models also have this issue, occurring hundreds of times, with Samsung accounting for 43%.

thomasmso commented 1 month ago

@V-Beyond - Could you enable a potential fix in our SDK, via the following code snippet and report back?

AppLovinSdk sdk = AppLovinSdk.getInstance( context );
sdk.getSettings().setExtraParameter( "disable_set_data_dir_suffix", "true" );
V-Beyond commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much. In the next version, I will add this code and see the results of the online version to give you feedback.

jokhjheds commented 2 weeks ago

@V-Beyond Is this problem solved?

V-Beyond commented 2 weeks ago

I'm sorry that I didn't give you feedback in time. I added sdk.getSettings().setExtraParameter( "disable_set_data_dir_suffix", "true" ) to the code, but the online feedback still shows the problem reported. But I'm sure this problem only appeared after adding the advertising SDK, so I don't know how to solve this problem now. Can you give me some other solutions?

thomasmso commented 2 weeks ago

@V-Beyond - my solution above should solve it for crashes originating from AppLovin SDK / network, are you able to re-confirm the source of the crash?

V-Beyond commented 2 weeks ago

ltd.love8.couples.relationship_issue_e81c114afc5794ec5194406dbe8090a7_crash_session_6668F05701E400013AC16133DCC8EE9E_DNE_0_v2_stacktrace.txt I uploaded the crash log file, that's all the information, could you take a look at it, please?