AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-SDK-Android

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Why is the medium-sized native ad I created from the Applovin panel behaving like match_parent? #674

Open omeratesss opened 2 weeks ago

omeratesss commented 2 weeks ago

MAX SDK Version


Device/Platform Info

Xiaomi 13 lite - android 14

Current Behavior

I created a medium-sized native ad from the Applovin panel. Then, I integrated this native ad into my project using Jetpack Compose. I saw the test ads, but I couldn't see them in the desired size. I couldn't see them in the 300x250 size as specified in the documentation.

Note: I previously suspected the AndroidView object, but I tested it with two different scenarios. 1 - I displayed native ads of the same size with Admost and Admob and got the correct result. 2- I created the TextView object found in the Android XML within the AndroidView and saw it on the screen as wrap_content.

Expected Behavior

The native ad object should come from the Applovin SDK in a 300x250 size. I shouldn't have to hard code and restrict it to my view with the size.

How to Reproduce

-Medium native ad was created in Applovin Panel.

Additional Info

Example of image with bug-> AndroidView( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .wrapContentHeight(), factory = { nativeAd!! }, )

applovin-bug ` Must-have image-> AndroidView( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .height(250.sdp), factory = { nativeAd!! }, )`


I will attach the relevant files below. I didn't create a sample project because I didn't write any additional code.