AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-SDK-Android

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tons of warning after adding mintegral adapter #713

Open daniel102102 opened 3 days ago

daniel102102 commented 3 days ago

MAX SDK Version


Device/Platform Info


Current Behavior

We added mintegral adapter to our mediation stack. During assembly release apk we got thousands of warnings like below. Also the app size incresed by 7MB. AGPBI: {"kind":"warning","text":"Expected stack map table for method with non-linear control flow. In later version of R8, the method may be assumed not reachable.","sources":[{"file":"C:\XXX\.gradle\caches\transforms-4\0335219f710382786cb0b38758e5c8ff\transformed\jetified-videojs-16.8.51-runtime.jar"}],"tool":"R8"}

Expected Behavior

I wouldn't like to see many thousends of warnings, because of it I can't see the whole log

How to Reproduce

add android dependencie in gradle for Android project:

//--- Applovin dependencies { implementation 'com.applovin:applovin-sdk:12.4.2' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:google-adapter:' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:ironsource-adapter:' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:vungle-adapter:' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:facebook-adapter:' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:unityads-adapter:' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:fyber-adapter:' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:inmobi-adapter:' implementation 'com.applovin.mediation:mintegral-adapter:' }

Reproducible in the demo app?


Additional Info

No response

applovinAsh commented 1 day ago

@daniel102102 - This warning could arise from the videojs-16.8.51-runtime.jar dependency being used in your project. The library may contain bytecode that doesn't have stack map tables in some methods. If you're using obfuscation or shrinking tools, these tools may be removing parts of the stack map table, which R8 is now flagging. Possible Solutions:

  1. Update the Dependency: Check if there is a newer version of the videojs library, which might resolve this warning. Libraries are often updated to handle newer optimizers like R8 properly.
  2. Review Your ProGuard Rules: If you're using ProGuard or R8 rules to obfuscate or shrink the code, ensure you aren't stripping away necessary metadata like the stack map table. You might want to modify your rules to preserve more information.
  3. Ignore the Warning (For Now): Since this is just a warning, it may not affect the functionality of your app immediately. However, keep an eye on future updates of R8 or Android Gradle Plugin, as this could lead to errors or crashes in future builds.