AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-SDK-iOS

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AppLovinMediationByteDanceAdapter big Binary size and Link time #124

Open bonyadmitr opened 2 years ago

bonyadmitr commented 2 years ago

created fresh test project with cocoapods and added only:

pod 'AppLovinMediationByteDanceAdapter', ''

Tested on release build with active simulator architecture and got:

Inside Binary 12.4 MB Frameworks 400 KB

Link time after 1 line changing in new project "print(#function)" ~ 10 sec

code example in new project

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

----------------------- pod update

updated AppLovinMediationByteDanceAdapter to latest ''

Binary 25.6 MB Frameworks 400 KB

Link time ~ 18 sec

----------------------- sum

so big Binary size and Link time

----------------------- env pod --version 1.11.2 Xcode Version 13.3 (13E113) swift --version 5.6

victorcampeanu commented 2 years ago

i confirm this on my project it doubles the build time from 20 seconds to alsmost 45 seconds.

the problem is it imports Ads-Global and BURelyFoundation_Global and these are very slow.