AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-Unity-Plugin

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Raise in Android Crashes on version 5.1.2 #138

Closed dantasulisses closed 2 years ago

dantasulisses commented 2 years ago

Hello, after updating and releasing our game with the Unity App Lovin MAX version 5.1.2 we are seeing a raise in the following Crash, reported in GooglePlay Vitals and in Firebase Crashlytics:

java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [AsyncTask #6]
Unity version     : 2020.3.25f1
Build Type        : Release
Scripting Backend : IL2CPP
ABI               : arm64-v8a
Strip Engine Code : true
Caused by
  at java.util.ArrayList.add (
  at org.json.JSONArray.put (
  at com.applovin.impl.mediation.c.c.a (Unknown Source:102)
  at com.applovin.impl.sdk.e.i.b (Unknown Source:171)
  at (Unknown Source:46)
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (
  at (

We are not able to reproduce this locally on our devices, but it is happening quite often in the production release. Is there any known fix?

thomasmso commented 2 years ago

@dantasulisses - Thanks for raising the issue, could you provide the exception message as well?

dantasulisses commented 2 years ago

Sorry @thomasmso , but I wasn't able to retrieve any more information about the error. Only this one, which is the error reported at Google Play Android Vitals

thomasmso commented 2 years ago

@dantasulisses - Could you send us any more info? What is the app, and what version were you on previously that did not have this crash?

majunfei commented 2 years ago

Encountered the same problem and looked forward to solving it

thomasmso commented 2 years ago

@majunfei - Could you send us any more info? Like the full exception message?

dantasulisses commented 2 years ago

Sure @thomasmso , some extra information:

Besides that, I still wasn't able to get any extra information or exception message

thomasmso commented 2 years ago

What about the exception name?

dantasulisses commented 2 years ago

Sure @thomasmso , I have these two very similar error names: Error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  at java.util.ArrayList.add (
  at org.json.JSONArray.put (
  at com.applovin.impl.mediation.c.c.a (Unknown Source:102)
  at com.applovin.impl.sdk.e.i.b (Unknown Source:171)
  at (Unknown Source:46)
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.processTask (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (
  at (

And this one: Error: java.lang.Error

at java.util.ArrayList.add (
  at org.json.JSONArray.put (
  at com.applovin.impl.mediation.c.c.a (Unknown Source:102)
  at com.applovin.impl.sdk.e.i.b (Unknown Source:171)
  at (Unknown Source:46)
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (
  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (
  at (

I would like to have any more info, but this is all that Google Play / Firebase is showing us

thomasmso commented 2 years ago

Very helpful, appreciate it. You can expect a fixed SDK by Sunday.

thomasmso commented 2 years ago

We just released v11.2.0 which fixes these crashes.