AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-Unity-Plugin

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StopBannerAutoRefresh does not work as expected #347

Open abogarsukov-braingames opened 1 month ago

abogarsukov-braingames commented 1 month ago

MAX Plugin Version


Unity Version


Device/Platform Info

Both iOS and Android, any device

Current Behavior

After the StopBannerAutoRefresh call, MAX eventually starts auto-loading banners again. This results in OnBannerLoaded/OnBannerLoadFailed callbacks triggered without calling LoadBanner.

Expected Behavior

StopBannerAutoRefresh is supposed to stop MAX from auto-loading banners.

How to Reproduce

There are no exact steps, it just happens eventually. Usually it starts after failing loading a banner. When it started, it continues till the end of the session.

Additional Info

We disable MAX auto-refresh to manage banner loading manually. We expect to receive exactly one OnBannerLoaded/OnBannerLoadFailed callback for each LoadBanner call. But eventually we start getting unmatched callbacks. We experience the same problem for MRECs. Here's logcat trace of a session with this issue: applovin-banners-refresh.log

abogarsukov-braingames commented 1 month ago

@thomasmso is there any progress? Could you suggest a workaround please?

P.S. I fixed incorrect Unity version in the issue (was 2020).

santoshbagadi commented 1 month ago

From the logs, we've not been able to tell what is really causing the refresh to restart.

Are you noticing the issue consistently on all sessions?

Is the issue happening on the current live version of the app?

abogarsukov-braingames commented 1 month ago

Yes we observe the issue in production. It's not reproducible on every session, but it happens often. I am able to reproduce it (sometimes) on a test application containing only AppLovin SDK and our wrapper code.

santoshbagadi commented 1 month ago

Would you mind sharing the test application for us to be able to investigate further?

abogarsukov-braingames commented 1 month ago

I will as soon as I have the stable repro.