AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-Unity-Plugin

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Incomplete integration of non-existing adapter (Android) #54

Closed maxshayne closed 1 month ago

maxshayne commented 3 years ago


We using Max Plugin Unity version 3.1.2 and Android version 9.14.1 with several mediation adapters.


This message appears on application start with builded debug APK (we don't know yet, if it's exists in release version). And mediation debugger shows that Fyber Integration is incomplete.

3 4

But we don't have Fyber adapter in our project, so this might be a bug of sdk initialization, or we might miss some install steps or smth.

Any suggestions would be useful

thomasmso commented 3 years ago

Could you run Gradle's androidDependencies task to see if one of your other dependencies may have been inadvertedly pulling down their SDK? We're checking against the com.fyber.inneractive.sdk.external.InneractiveAdManager class so you can also press Shift two times and enter that class name to see that it does exist in your workspace.