Open sammartens1234 opened 7 years ago
Any help please?
In order for the datastore viewer to have access to a list of kinds, the datastore groomer needs to run at least once. You can force it to run manually with appscale-groomer
. Alternatively, if you know what kind you are interested in, you can query it directly by adding a url parameter (eg. <datastore_viewer_url>/datastore?kind=<your-kind>
or /datastore?kind=<your-kind>&namespace=<custom-namespace>
I'm not sure why the blobstore keys are not showing up for you. Which version of AppScale are you running, and what type of application do you have deployed?
We don't really test the cron viewer for that interface, and task queues are implemented differently than in the SDK. You can view your application's cron entries in /etc/cron.d/appscale-<your-project-id>
. You can view push tasks with the flower interface on port 5555 if you have it enabled. (by default, the credentials for that are user: appscale, password: appscale).
I did run groomer and it gives me the following output:
2017-10-05 07:47:06,185 INFO Starting ZKTransaction 2017-10-05 07:47:06,187 INFO Connecting to 2017-10-05 07:47:06,232 INFO Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED 2017-10-05 07:47:06,263 INFO Logging started 2017-10-05 07:47:06,268 INFO Got the groomer lock. 2017-10-05 07:47:06,270 INFO Starting DatastoreProxy 2017-10-05 07:47:06,397 INFO Using datacenter 'datacenter1' for DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy (via host ''); if incorrect, please specify a local_dc to the constructor, or limit contact points to local cluster nodes 2017-10-05 07:47:06,554 INFO Starting DatastoreDistributed 2017-10-05 07:47:06,554 INFO Groomer started 2017-10-05 07:47:06,558 INFO groomer_state: ('', ZnodeStat(czxid=14, mzxid=18307, ctime=1505465101618, mtime=1507101238461, version=30, cversion=0, aversion=0, ephemeralOwner=0, dataLength=0, numChildren=0, pzxid=14)) 2017-10-05 07:47:06,559 INFO Starting to clean up entities 2017-10-05 07:47:56,494 INFO Starting to clean up old logs 2017-10-05 07:47:56,977 INFO Removed 0 log entries. 2017-10-05 07:47:56,980 INFO Starting to clean up old tasks 2017-10-05 07:47:56,996 INFO Removed 0 task name entities 2017-10-05 07:47:57,948 INFO Kind stats for jamo-dev are {'viewStep': {'number': 8, 'size': 498997}, 'testCase': {'number': 1, 'size': 214}, 'mobileOS': {'number': 2, 'size': 233}, 'jiraSettings': {'number': 1, 'size': 189}, 'usersAuditLog': {'number': 2, 'size': 1043}, 'accountSettings': {'number': 1, 'size': 159}, 'deviceModel': {'number': 2, 'size': 647}, 'specification': {'number': 1, 'size': 403}, 'serverSettings': {'number': 1, 'size': 762}, 'appVersion': {'number': 1, 'size': 515}, 'jamoVersion': {'number': 1, 'size': 182}, 'application': {'number': 1, 'size': 120}, 'appDeviceRelease': {'number': 1, 'size': 283}, 'deviceConfiguration': {'number': 2, 'size': 666}, 'appRelease': {'number': 1, 'size': 230}, 'apiUsage': {'number': 1, 'size': 177}, 'accountNamespace': {'number': 1, 'size': 110}, 'resultStep': {'number': 6, 'size': 3468}, 'preferedAppVersion': {'number': 1, 'size': 254}, 'metaUIElement': {'number': 8, 'size': 2874}, 'user': {'number': 2, 'size': 637}, 'report': {'number': 3, 'size': 1650}, 'account': {'number': 1, 'size': 563}, 'deviceSettings': {'number': 2, 'size': 344}, 'executionEnvironment': {'number': 1, 'size': 348}, 'license': {'number': 4, 'size': 536}, 'stepSpecification': {'number': 2, 'size': 410}, 'view': {'number': 1, 'size': 891}} 2017-10-05 07:47:57,949 INFO Global stats for jamo-dev are total size of 516905 with 59 entities 2017-10-05 07:47:57,949 INFO Number of hard deletes: 0 2017-10-05 07:47:58,022 INFO Namespace for jamo-dev are {'SSAM': {'number': 55, 'size': 515549}} 2017-10-05 07:47:58,022 INFO Groomer cleaned 0 journal entries 2017-10-05 07:47:58,022 INFO Groomer checked 0 index entries 2017-10-05 07:47:58,023 INFO Groomer cleaned 0 index entries 2017-10-05 07:47:58,023 INFO Groomer took 51.4676971436 seconds 2017-10-05 07:47:58,025 INFO Closing ZK connection 2017-10-05 07:47:58,025 INFO Stopping GC thread 2017-10-05 07:47:58,042 INFO Closing connection to 2017-10-05 07:47:58,043 INFO Zookeeper session lost, state: CLOSED
So I can see that there are definitly entities in the namespace SSAM.
But when I go to the datastore viewer, I get :"Datastore has no entities in namespace "SSAM". "
One issue I noticed recently was that the script sometimes sets up routing to the wrong appserver instance. It's possible that the datastore viewer you were seeing was trying to view entity data for the appscaledashboard app instead of jamo-dev.
As a side note, we recently added a datastore viewer to the dashboard ( It's more secure, has a GQL query feature, and doesn't suffer from the incorrect routing bug.
I have enabled the datastore viewer but I cannot see any entities: not in the empty namespace and not in the namespace that I created. I am sure there is data in there.
Same goes for the blobstore viewer. I did upload a blob but cannot see any entry.
Also the task queues and cron jobs are empty. Seems like I am not connecting to the right environment or something. I did run the enable-datastore-viewer script