AppStateESS / homestead

A web-application for managing on-campus student housing.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Damage email problem #1200

Open Stardog opened 6 years ago

Stardog commented 6 years ago

Damage emails are going out without coordinator information. Start here:

jlbooker commented 6 years ago

Verify that there is a user with the Coordinator role on each hall for the selected term, and that they selected the correct term. Roles are found on the 'Roles' tab under the 'Edit Halls' link.

As a feature enhancement, you can add a pre-check to verify that there is at least one coordinator (designed to allow for one or more) listed on each hall and refuse to continue until every hall is ok. They're supposed to set these up at the start of every year/semester (as staff comes/goes, or they shuffle who is in charge of which hall).

braswelldl commented 6 years ago

I just checked all of the roles for all of the halls for 201810 - each one has the correct person in the Coordinator role. I also checked with Alicia, and she says that she did make sure that she was in the correct term prior to sending the damage notices out.