AppThreat / atom

Atom is a novel intermediate representation for applications and a standalone tool that is powered by chen.
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Export to graphml #101

Closed prabhu closed 6 months ago

prabhu commented 6 months ago

cc: @anonymitycoder2

git clone
cd atom
git checkout feature/export
sbt stage

./ -l java -o app.atom --export-atom --export-dir <export directory> <path>

# dot format
./ -l java -o app.atom --export-atom --export-format dot --export-dir <export directory> <path>

# With data flows
./ -l java -o app.atom --export-atom --export-dir <export directory> --with-data-deps <path>

The files are named using shortname-hash.graphml convention. Let me know if you require any changes.

prabhu commented 6 months ago

@cerrussell could you test the new dot format as well with --export-format dot. Also data flows are not included by default so it is possible to visualize both the simple and complex structures.