AppThreat / vulnerability-db

Vulnerability database and package search for sources such as Linux, OSV, NVD, GitHub and npm. Powered by sqlite, CVE 5.0, purl, and vers.
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Some vulnerabilities reported by Depscan for the Java app Webgoat (7.1) do not match NIST/NVD Severity and/or CVSS 3.X Score #23

Closed naixea closed 1 year ago

naixea commented 1 year ago

Context :

depscan --cache -t java --suggest --bom /app/bom-java.json -o /app/depscan-webgoat.json

Some of the mismatches : xalan:2.7.2 CVE-2022-34169 is reported by Depscan as CRITICAL/9.0 and by NIST/NVD as HIGH/7.5

commons-collections:3.2.1 CVE-2015-7501 is reported by Depscan as CRITICAL/9.0 and by NIST/NVD as CRITICAL/9.8

jackson-databind:2.6.3 CVE-2018-7489 is reported by Depscan as CRITICAL/9.0 and by NIST/NVD as CRITICAL/9.8

I tried to look directly in the database, which report the same mismatches : vdb --search xalan:2.7.2 vdb --search commons-collections:3.2.1 vdb --search jackson-databind:2.6.3


prabhu commented 1 year ago

@naixea This is an interesting bug!

OSV database uses this particular file - which is missing a score.

So vdb is making up a default of 9.0

To search vdb, include the group name as well.

vdb --search "xalan:xalan:2.7.2"
prabhu commented 1 year ago

Thank you for reporting this bug. This is resolved in 2.1.0. Kindly try the latest vdb and let me know how it goes.

naixea commented 1 year ago

Hello @prabhu,

Thank you for solving this issue so quickly, this is much much better, most all vulnerabilities reported by vulnerability-db 2.1.0 match NIS/NVD Severity/Scoring 3.X but I found 2 left mismatches :

STILL MISMATCH WITH NIST/NVD but seems to MATCH WITH GITHUB ADVISORIES (is it a bug ?) Including but not limited to, I did no check every vulnerabilities reported :

xalan:2.7.2 CVE-2022-34169 is now reported by vulnerability-db 2.1.0 as CRITICAL/9.8 (previously CRITICAL/9.0) and by NIST/NVD as HIGH/7.5 and by GITHUB/advisories as CRITICAL/9.8

junit:4.12 CVE-2020-15250 is reported by vulnerability-db 2.1.0 as MEDIUM/4.4 (previously CRITICAL/5.0) and by NIST/NVD as MEDIUM/5.5 and by GITHUB/advisories as MEDIUM/4.4

Context :

rm /vdb/* vdb --cache vdb --search xalan:xalan:2.7.2 vdb --search junit:junit:4.12 depscan -t java --suggest --bom /app/bom-java.json -o /app/depscan-2.3.0-webgoat.json


prabhu commented 1 year ago

@naixea vdb uses an append-only file, so the hits from the top would show up as a vulnerability. OSV is the first source it downloads and refers to with default settings.

Are you asking for a feature to prioritize NVD over OSV?

naixea commented 1 year ago

Sorry I thought that the sources priority was "1 OSV, 2 NVD, 3 GHA" but I understand now that it is "1 OSV, 2 GHA, 3 NVD" (corresponding to the order these sources are cached by vdb)

Are you asking for a feature to prioritize NVD over OSV? : No It's perfectly fine. Thanks again for solving the issue !


prabhu commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @naixea, for the confirmation!