AppThreat / vulnerability-db

Vulnerability database and package search for sources such as Linux, OSV, NVD, GitHub and npm. Powered by sqlite, CVE 5.0, purl, and vers.
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Version information from details is missing in the search result #5

Closed prabhu closed 4 years ago

prabhu commented 4 years ago

While constructing the Vulnerability Occurrence the code is using the cpe uri instead of the version list from the original Vulnerability.

This is causing some weird search behaviour as demonstrated below:

> vdb --search "spring-data-jpa:*" 

INFO [2020-03-20 11:03:42,741] Vulnerability database loaded from /Users/prabhu/Library/Application Support/vdb/data.vdb
| Id            | Package   | CWE     | Severity   |   Score | Description                                                                           |
| CVE-2019-3802 | <*        | UNKNOWN | MEDIUM     |       5 | Moderate severity vulnerability that affects |
| CVE-2019-3797 | <1.11.20  | UNKNOWN | LOW        |       2 | Low severity vulnerability that affects      |

Notice the <* for the first result. This should instead show comma separated list of all versions mentioned in the original report along with the version passed by the caller.

prabhu commented 4 years ago

This is fixed with 1.2.0. I have also improved version include and exclude logic. There is some more work required to make it accurate, for instance, improving the complex utils.version_compare