Apparence-io / CamerAwesome

📸 Embedding a camera experience within your own app shouldn't be that hard. A flutter plugin to integrate awesome Android / iOS camera experience.
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PhotoTaken event? #411

Closed CalebPourchot closed 7 months ago

CalebPourchot commented 7 months ago

I've searched and searched and can't find anything in the documentation or google about how to be told that a photo was taken successfully.

I see this in the source code of photo_camera_state.dart:

  CaptureMode get captureMode =>;

  /// Photos taken are in JPEG format. [filePath] must end with .jpg
  /// You can listen to [cameraSetup.mediaCaptureStream] to get updates
  /// of the photo capture (capturing, success/failure)

I don't think I can get to cameraSetup.mediaCaptureStream as a consumer of CameraAwesomeBuilder, right? What am I missing? Seems like this is a pretty typical use case?

g-apparence commented 7 months ago

Hi we recently merged it on the main branch. You can now add a callback to the "takePicture" function (See #401 ). As this is only available for the 1.4.0 branch for now I have to do the same on the 2.0.0. This is one of the latest things to do before releasing the 2.0.0 version.

CalebPourchot commented 7 months ago

Fabulous! Thanks so much for this plug-in. I'm looking forward to using it.