Apparence-io / CamerAwesome

📸 Embedding a camera experience within your own app shouldn't be that hard. A flutter plugin to integrate awesome Android / iOS camera experience.
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Change AwesomeCameraModeSelector text #429

Closed Natan-hub closed 5 months ago

Natan-hub commented 6 months ago

I would like the option in Awesome Camera NodeSelector(state: state) to be able to change the photo and video text for another while maintaining the function of switching between taking a photo and recording a video.

Captura de Tela 2024-01-03 à(s) 16 22 30

KnifeLemon commented 6 months ago

you can custom that widget using awesome_camera_mode_selector.dart

And using custom widget inside middleContentBuilder

middleContentBuilder: (state) {
  return Column(
    children: [
      const Spacer(),
      if (state is PhotoCameraState && state.hasFilters)
        AwesomeFilterWidget(state: state)
      else if (!kIsWeb && Platform.isAndroid)
        AwesomeZoomSelector(state: state),
      /* your custom widget */