Apparence-io / CamerAwesome

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Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy for reason API usage #463

Open ilpeppone7 opened 2 months ago

ilpeppone7 commented 2 months ago


Hi team. Maybe you already knew it, or maybe you're already working on it, but I couldn't find any related issue. From May 1st, Apple will implement a reason API usage control in his review process, and will block any update that doesn't contain this kind of declaration.

This is the reference:

Are there any plans for this file to be implemented? Thank you.

ilpeppone7 commented 2 months ago

Or at least, could you please give us the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file that would you include in your ios project? Doing so, we could at least do ourselves the privacy declaration until you guys publish a new update. Thanks

g-apparence commented 2 months ago

Hi sorry for late reply, Yes I'm aware of this and I have to work on it. As I'm not completely sure of what I have to include or not, I will have to do some research. I've planed to work on this next week.

ilpeppone7 commented 2 months ago

Summing up, you should check your code to identify which of the listed method in the following apple developer link you access to, and declare by their codes, why are you access them to. Most libraries that do not access any of these methods, and therefore they do not have to specify any code, add anyway the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file to their project, lefting it empty in the code section. Hereby, an example for you:


Hope I helped you a bit, thank you :D