Appboy / appboy-ios-sdk

Public repo for the Braze iOS SDK
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`libAppboyKitLibrary.a` file size is too big for Github #234

Closed mathaeus closed 4 years ago

mathaeus commented 4 years ago

The Braze SDK binary (libAppboyKitLibrary.a) has been constantly growing and unfortunately now it exceeds the 100MB file size for checking in files to a Github repository.

For our project we have all our dependencies checked into the repository (which is a common practice when working with cocoapods). A recent update from 3.21.3 to 3.24.1 introduced the problem that we are unable to check-in the binary file due to the following size limit:

git-lfs is a costly alternative to this and changing our workflow to not have our dependencies checked in is something we will consider, but for sure we can't achieve it super fast.

Is there a way you can reduce the file size to under 100MB?

LeffelMania commented 4 years ago

Nine days without acknowledgement? Same boat over here, had to pin my pod to 3.22.0 so that I could keep all my pods checked into our repo.

chshapiro commented 4 years ago

Hey @mathaeus and @LeffelMania,

We are looking into different options to reduce the size of the binary. We will update this thread when we have new developments.


mathaeus commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the update @chshapiro đź‘Ť

dchakarov commented 4 years ago

Thanks for looking into this, we hit the same issue today and decided not to update to the latest SDK for now. Not ideal, hope we get this resolved soon.

rakesthedon commented 4 years ago

my team is also experiencing this issue.

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

Thank you everyone for raising and providing details, we're tackling this with urgency.

For those whose workflows and CI/CD solutions aren't strongly tied to checking-in Pods, we would recommend not checking in our pod (even in the pre-100mb world) if possible since it expands the size of repos and pollutes history. If you are able to adjust your flow to not check-in the Appboy-iOS-SDK pod, you should be able to update to 3.24.1 today.

Going forward, we're exploring replacing our ~100mb .a static library with a ~30mb dynamic framework.

In the meantime, we're also exploring releasing a version of 3.24 with arm64e or another lesser-used architecture stripped from the static library to temporarily bring it back under 100mb.

If you have feedback, concerns, or questions on these approaches, please let us know.

rakesthedon commented 4 years ago

we are using Carthage not cocoa pod and the error occurred with git lfs

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

@rakesthedon if you're using Carthage you should be able to use 3.24.0 (which is functionally identical) without issues. You should also be able to use the dependency-free integration ( on 3.24.1 without running into git-lfs issues. Let us know if that works out for you

rakesthedon commented 4 years ago

the issue is still present with the 3.24.0 version and we do not wish to use dependency free integration. And we are also using git lfs

this is the error message that I see in my Jenkins logs Error downloading object: AppboyKit/libAppboyKitLibrary.a (493ea41): Smudge error: Error downloading AppboyKit/libAppboyKitLibrary.a (493ea4171dcf258aca7d9bffeb5c67386533b1391459ee3b77dc61590c1f4b4e): batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access.

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

@rakesthedon thanks for the update, we were able to repro with git-lfs enabled on 3.24.0. Could you give us context as to why you'd prefer not to use the dependency-free integration? To avoid additional time spent building SDWebImage?

rakesthedon commented 4 years ago

@Bucimis it's mostly for time and cost management reason, plus we already use Carthage on another app that does not use lfs and it work fine with version 3.24.1 and we would like to keep our process as similar as possible on both our apps.

hokstuff commented 4 years ago

@rakesthedon, to clarify this part in your last response:

we already use Martha on another app that does not use lfs and it work fine with version 3.24.1

1) When you said "Martha", do you mean "Carthage"? 2) When you said that it works fine with 3.24.1 on your other app, are you saying that you were able to successfully import the Appboy-iOS-SDK (with dependencies) without seeing the error: Error downloading object: AppboyKit/libAppboyKitLibrary.a?

rakesthedon commented 4 years ago
  1. whoops! Yes I meant Carthage sorry about that
  2. We use the version 3.24.1 on our other app and we also use Carthage but without git lfs
rakesthedon commented 4 years ago

@hokstuff apparently some member of my team are having the same issue when they are trying to do a Carthage bootstrap even with the app that does not use git lfs.

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

@rakesthedon thanks for the insight. We also see that on our end, though it's irregular

mohammad19991 commented 4 years ago

My team is also experiencing the same issue, is there any update on this issue?

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

@mohammad19991 @rakesthedon @mathaeus we're scheduling some initial fixes for tomorrow that should solve for large subsets of users/usecases. We'll update more as they roll out

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

@rakesthedon We just released 3.24.2, which should fix Carthage issues seen in 3.24.0 and 3.24.1 for integrations using github "Appboy/Appboy-iOS-SDK". In the future we'll release a Binary Project Spec for the full (deps included) framework that should make that integration more lightweight going forward.

Let us know if you encounter issues building with 3.24.2

rakesthedon commented 4 years ago

@Bucimis it's seems to work for us! thanks a lot!

mathaeus commented 4 years ago

@Bucimis if I understand correctly there will also be a fix for cocoapods? i.e. a 3.24.3 version then?

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

@mathaeus yep we're working on it (specifically, enabling checking in the pod without using git-lfs).

mohammad19991 commented 4 years ago

@Bucimis when shall we expect the new update?

Bucimis commented 4 years ago

@mohammad19991 within 1-2 days

hokstuff commented 4 years ago

Hi @mathaeus @mohammad19991 @LeffelMania,

We have now released iOS SDK version 3.25.0 which removes the arm64e architecture and allows you to check in your entire Pods folder into version control without issues. If removing arm64e is a concern, please reach out to us directly at and we will be able to work with you individually.

Let us know if you have any further issues - thank you all!

mathaeus commented 4 years ago

Thanks @hokstuff

If removing arm64e is a concern, please reach out to us directly at and we will be able to work with you individually.

I'm no expert when it comes to architectures, and I'm not sure if the Apple docs are up to date (see below). If they are then for now I don't think there should be an issue if you don't support arm64e (as long as you have a plan to bring it back in the near future?)

App Store Connect and Testflight don’t yet accept submissions with an arm64e slice. Xcode removes this slice from your app bundle when you upload it.

mohammad19991 commented 4 years ago

@hokstuff thanks, it's working now.

PavelGnatyuk commented 3 years ago

I see the same issue with 3.29 update.

git lfs fetch source --all

fetch: Fetching all references... batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access. error: failed to fetch some objects from ''

Bucimis commented 3 years ago

Hi @PavelGnatyuk can you provide the commands you used to repro this and give us more details on how you're integrating? Our releases 3.24.0 and 3.24.1 can't be checked out from source because of the old git-lfs issues, so you should ensure you aren't fetching the repo's full history in source. 3.29.0 doesn't use git-lfs and shouldn't exhibit any issues whether integrated through Cocoapods, Carthage, etc.

poorvasingh04 commented 3 years ago

@Bucimis We are also facing similar issue. We use cocoapods for dependency. libAppboyKitLibrary.a is very heavy (~84 MB). Though we are able to checkin to git with some warning but our CI takes a lot of time to compile after this change. Is there a way to reduce CI time?

Bucimis commented 3 years ago

@poorvasingh04 thanks for getting in contact. how are you integrating and which version are you using?

poorvasingh04 commented 3 years ago

@Bucimis I am using v 3.30.0 and as said earlier we are using cocoapods for downloading the sdk.