Appdynamics / config-assessment-tool

This project aims to provide a single source of truth for performing AppDynamics Health Checks.
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Ability to do not penalise clients that only run Machine Agents in certain services in their estate? #114

Open Gerard1967 opened 1 year ago

Gerard1967 commented 1 year ago

Is there anyway to not penalise a customer on the APM report i.e on the AppAgentsAPM tab, who may only use machine agents and not app agents for an application and also conversely be penalised for "percentAgentsInstalledAlongsideAppAgents" in the MachineAgentsAPM tab?

Would be great if we could have ability when running the report to acknowledge those monitored services and hence have a more reflective "rating" of their monitored estate.

I am aware of workarounds but was hoping this could be in core product so wouldnt need multiple runs of the tool to cover the different monitored services make up.