The element-wait plugin conflicts with the images plugin. After removing the element-wait plugin from the --use-plugins list, the image element is clicked properly.
[AppiumDriver@48ff] Command 'findElement' was not handled by the following behaviours or plugins, even though they were registered to handle it: ["default","images","ocr"]. The command was handled by these: ["element-wait"].
Failed Log when element-wait is passed in --use-plugins
Command 'findElement' was not handled by the following behaviours or plugins, even though they were registered to handle it: ["default","images","ocr"]. The command was handled by these: ["element-wait"]
Appium 2.3.0 and Java-client 9.2.3
Driver Used
plugin used
The element-wait plugin conflicts with the images plugin. After removing the element-wait plugin from the --use-plugins list, the image element is clicked properly.
[AppiumDriver@48ff] Command 'findElement' was not handled by the following behaviours or plugins, even though they were registered to handle it: ["default","images","ocr"]. The command was handled by these: ["element-wait"].
Sample App
Please suggest the solution for this