AppiumTestDistribution / appium-wait-plugin

Plugin to automatically manage all element waits and enables to write wait-free appium tests.
MIT License
61 stars 11 forks source link

Command 'findElement' was not handled by the following behaviors or plugins #119

Open dipakkumar1225 opened 5 months ago

dipakkumar1225 commented 5 months ago


Appium 2.3.0 and Java-client 9.2.3

Driver Used

plugin used

The element-wait plugin conflicts with the images plugin. After removing the element-wait plugin from the --use-plugins list, the image element is clicked properly.

[AppiumDriver@48ff] Command 'findElement' was not handled by the following behaviours or plugins, even though they were registered to handle it: ["default","images","ocr"]. The command was handled by these: ["element-wait"].

public class Main {

    private static AppiumDriverLocalService getAppiumDriverService() {
        String strDate ="MMMM_dd_yyyy"));
        String strTime ="HH_mm_ss"));
        var strReportDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"), strDate);

        String logFileName = String.format("Appium_Server_%s.log", strTime);
        File logFile = new File(Paths.get(strReportDir.toString(), logFileName).toString());

        return AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(new AppiumServiceBuilder()
                .withArgument(() -> "--long-stacktrace")
                .withArgument(GeneralServerFlag.LOG_LEVEL, "info:debug")
                .withArgument(GeneralServerFlag.USE_DRIVERS, "uiautomator2")
                .withArgument(GeneralServerFlag.ALLOW_INSECURE, "adb_shell")
                .withArgument(GeneralServerFlag.USE_PLUGINS, "images, gestures, ocr")//element-wait
                .withArgument(() -> "--config", new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "config" + File.separator + "serverconfig.json").toString())

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        AppiumDriverLocalService appiumDriverLocalService = getAppiumDriverService();
        AppiumDriver appiumDriver = null;
        try {

            UiAutomator2Options uiAutomator2Options = new UiAutomator2Options()
                    .setApp(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "app" + File.separator + "android" + File.separator + "mda-2.0.2-23.apk")

            uiAutomator2Options.setCapability("shouldTerminateApp", true);

            System.out.println("URL " + appiumDriverLocalService.getUrl());
            appiumDriver = new AndroidDriver(appiumDriverLocalService.getUrl(), uiAutomator2Options);
            System.out.println("SessionID " + appiumDriver.getSessionId());


            byte[] navMenuByte = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "image" + File.separator + "NavMenuIcon.png"));
            String navMenuEncodedString = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(navMenuByte);



        } finally {
            if (appiumDriver != null) {
  1. Failed Log when element-wait is passed in --use-plugins Command 'findElement' was not handled by the following behaviours or plugins, even though they were registered to handle it: ["default","images","ocr"]. The command was handled by these: ["element-wait"]

  1. Success Log when element-wait plugin is not used in --use-plugins

Sample App

Please suggest the solution for this

dipakkumar1225 commented 5 months ago

any solution