ApplETS / Notre-Dame-v3

The 3rd generation of ÉTSMobile, the main gateway between the École de technologie supérieure and its students on mobile devices
Apache License 2.0
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incapable d'utiliser les fonctionnalités de l'application #244

Closed clubapplets-server closed 3 years ago

clubapplets-server commented 4 years ago

What happened:

incapable d'utiliser les fonctionnalités de l'application

Version: 3.0.0-beta (31292)

Operating system: Android 11

Model: Google Pixel 2 XL

Memory: 65% (2.33 GB used out of 3.58 GB)

Capacity: 90% (46.8 GB used out of 52 GB)

Locale: Canada French


WiFi: Connected

Logs: View




Reported via Buglife

AlexandreMarkus commented 4 years ago

I have the same error message since yesterday