ApplETS / Notre-Dame

The 4th generation of ÉTSMobile, the main gateway between the École de technologie supérieure and its students on mobile devices
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Fix issues on ios release #876

Open XavierPaquet-Rapold opened 10 months ago

XavierPaquet-Rapold commented 10 months ago

Received from apple in our latest release:

ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the 'aps-environment' entitlement. If your app uses the Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the 'aps-environment' entitlement. Xcode does not automatically copy the aps-environment entitlement from provisioning profiles at build time. This behavior is intentional. To use this entitlement, either enable Push Notifications in the project editor's Capabilities pane, or manually add the entitlement to your entitlements file. For more information, see

ITMS-90683: Missing purpose string in Info.plist - Your app’s code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data, or the app has one or more entitlements that permit such access. The Info.plist file for the “” bundle should contain a NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. If you’re using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required. For details, visit:

MysticFragilist commented 10 months ago

Pour le push notification ce qui est con c'est qu'on a register l'app au push, mais on a aucune notif encore. Faut-tu l'écrire quand même ou faudrait le retirer?

XavierPaquet-Rapold commented 10 months ago

Soit on "unregister" l'app aux notifs, soit on fait ce qu'ils disent. J'ai tendance à dire qu'on devrait "unregister" l'app aux notifs, pour pas que les utilisateurs si disent qu'il y a des notifications.