AppleWin / AppleWin

Apple II emulator for Windows
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Support Hayden's AppleSoft compiler protection key #1312

Open tomcw opened 2 weeks ago

tomcw commented 2 weeks ago

Hayden's 1981 AppleSoft compiler (DOS 3.2 and DOS 3.3 pre-release versions) came with a protection key (or device) that plugged into the Game I/O socket.

NB. For the full DOS 3.3 version, the dongle was dropped, and instead the disk was copy-protected.

Here's an example of the DOS 3.3 pre-release version failing:

Hayden Applesoft Compiler (pre-release)_000000001

Here's the DOS 3.3 pre-release image: Hayden Applesoft Compiler (pre-release).zip

tomcw commented 2 weeks ago

The protection dongle works by supporting AN0 & AN2 to return 3 fixed values for PDL3.

My quick notes: Hayden protection key - notes.txt

Also SW1 (or PB1) is pulled low - I need to confirm whether this is used by the Hayden software - but this interferes with the operation of the //e!

On a //e: you can't run the built-in self-test, and with a joystick plugged into the external port, you can't use PB1.

sicklittlemonkey commented 2 weeks ago

Oh, nice! Is it a new development that you have this? I remember you were looking for the DOS 3.2 version.

tomcw commented 2 weeks ago

Yes - after a few years(!) I finally managed to locate (on ebay) original disk(*) for this old compiler.

(*) Still not the elusive DOS 3.2 version, but it does include a pre-release of the DOS 3.3 version, which still had the dongle protection check enabled.