Appleseed / leaves.lite

Leaves.Lite presents a searchable web interface to links and bookmarks curated / organized in JSON or fed by a REST API.
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 10 forks source link - devops - remove bower in preference for webpack #12

Open xingh opened 7 years ago

xingh commented 7 years ago

​Desc: Use webpack to download bower libs. all references are downloaded to the repo, these should be pulled from NPM / processed via webpack

Acceptance Criteria: Remove bower as a dependency. Use webpack and build into npm install / init scripts.

  1. Installable and runnable via npm install and npm start
  2. or npm install , npm build , http-server dist (currently serves the index)
xingh commented 6 years ago

mddanishyusuf commented 6 years ago

Hey @xingh it's done please review it.