Appleseed / leaves.lite

Leaves.Lite presents a searchable web interface to links and bookmarks curated / organized in JSON or fed by a REST API.
Apache License 2.0
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leaves - api - create wrapper for wallabag API / elastic API / solr API - iteration 1 #50

Open xingh opened 6 years ago

xingh commented 6 years ago

​Desc: The wrapper should be able to provide the same interface for retrieving the leaves items.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Must conform to this schema example

[ { "area":"content-left", "name": "DOCKER: Self Paced Training", "path":"", "ContentImages_small":"", "ContentImages_large":"", "title": "DOCKER: Self Paced Training", "content": "Docker's own self paced training class.", "category": "Training", "tags": ["docker","video"], "type": "Video", "source": "Docker" }, { "area":"content-left", "name": " : Learn Docker", "path":"", "ContentImages_small":"", "ContentImages_large":"", "title": " : Learn Docker", "content": "Listing of docker tutorials submitted and voted on by the programming community", "category": "Training", "tags": ["docker","tutorials"], "type": "Page", "source": "Docker" }

  1. Should be the same GET method in each implementation