Applied-GeoSolutions / multitemporal

Efficient, chainable time series processing of raster stacks.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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document module parameters #1

Closed ircwaves closed 6 years ago

ircwaves commented 6 years ago

Created by: rbraswell

Chaining multitemporal modules requires knowing the number of inputs and outputs, whether the module works intra- or inter-annually, and what the inputs and outputs are.


name: phenology.pyx
description: calculate phenological metrics based on threshold crossing
mode: intra-annual
    1. threshold - the critical value that data are compared with
    2. minval - data below this value are considered missing
    3. maxval - data above this value are considered missing
    4. minframe - data before this time are ignored
    5. maxframe - data after this time are ignored
    1. Mean value above threshold
    2. Max value
    3. First time over threshold
    4. Duration over threshold (last - first)
    5. Time of maximum value

One down, 11 to go.

ircwaves commented 6 years ago

Author: Ian Cooke

\Timestamp: 2018-04-24T13:35:18.938Z

mentioned in commit e14eadca033bbc2fe52ca3143b702c916c23a304

ircwaves commented 6 years ago

Author: Bobby Braswell

\Timestamp: 2017-09-25T19:31:45.700Z

Created by: rbraswell

check out bin/module_info.txt

just getting started

By Ian Cooke on 2017-09-25T19:31:45 (imported from GitLab project)

ircwaves commented 6 years ago

Author: Bobby Braswell

\Timestamp: 2017-10-09T13:48:46.439Z

Created by: rbraswell

Kind of done, see module_info.txt

By Ian Cooke on 2017-10-09T13:48:46 (imported from GitLab project)