Applied-GeoSolutions / multitemporal

Efficient, chainable time series processing of raster stacks.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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disturbance module needs work #11

Closed ircwaves closed 6 years ago

ircwaves commented 6 years ago

Created by: rbraswell

e.g. undeclared variables, lack of clarity on the meaning and range of threshold value

ircwaves commented 6 years ago

Author: Bobby Braswell

Timestamp: 2017-09-26T13:40:49.672Z

Created by: rbraswell

@bziniti I think we need to talk about thresholds again (-:

currently it is this:

if anom[i]/sqrt(cycle[i]) < thresh: 
     [calculate stuff]

and I'm not a statistical genius but this seems problematic. For one thing, because the long term mean at that time (cycle[i]) could be negative.

I'll change it back to this for now and we can talk. I can add options to do the test in many possible ways. I just an not sure what the ways should be yet.

 if anom[i] < thresh: 
    [calculate stuff]

By Ian Cooke on 2017-09-26T13:40:49 (imported from GitLab project)

ircwaves commented 6 years ago

Author: Bobby Braswell

Timestamp: 2017-10-27T18:12:07.207Z

Created by: rbraswell

It just is what it is

By Ian Cooke on 2017-10-27T18:12:07 (imported from GitLab project)