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roboticarm #5

Open christophberger opened 1 year ago

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Written on 02/25/2017 13:55:51


christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by Gobikrishnan on 02/08/2018 05:27:51

hi am looking for robot arm(spraying water in garden) with 2 segment one is vertical and another one is horizontal . so My question is i want to rotate the arm in x,y,z axis. and also i want to know what is the source of moving wheather it is a motor or cylinder or anyother other thing which is simple.
let me know as soon as possible

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by Christoph on 02/08/2018 08:04:04

Thank you for reading the article, I hope you enjoyed it. I would love to help you out with your quest, but unfortunately I am not a robot expert. The article (as well as the blog as a whole) is more about Go than about the specific topics that each article covers. You surely have noticed that I deliberately picked a very easy case, the SCARA robot, that only creates two-dimensional motion. As I pointed out in the article, "when I started working on this article, I expected that the formulas for the simple two-segment arm could easily be generalized to multi-segment, multi-joint robotic arms, but I found that this is not the case." That is, the geometric calculations that are fine for a SCARA arm are not sufficient for three-dimensional arms that can move in x, y, and z directions.

I just searched for suitable Go packages that would provide readymade x/y/z robot arm control, but the closest thing I found is Gobot is a great project, but unfortunately, they have been focusing on microcontrollers, drones, and simple x/y robots so far.

In your specific case of building a lawn sprinkler, the water itself poses an additional challenge. The point where it hits the ground depends on the velocity when leaving the pipe as well as the ballistic curve that the water follows while flying through the air. (And this does not take the wind into account.) Moreover, the farther away from the sprinkler the water hits the ground, the more it will be spread across the area. These are quite some additional calculations to add to the movement of the sprinkler's arm.

Maybe, for the purpose of watering the lawn, a simple, mechanic lawn sprinkler might be a sufficient option.

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by Jorge Zepeda on 08/30/2018 05:03:10

how could you translate these codes to marlin so that we can use it practically in a cartesian 3d printer i.e.

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by Christoph on 09/01/2018 13:06:59

I am afraid I don't understand what you are asking. Can you elaborate?

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by mandesh gunde on 12/20/2018 09:37:34

How to use inverse kinematics for cartesian robot arm of two segments with sliding movement? Is there any other method to solve this?

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by Christoph on 12/22/2018 17:22:31

For cartesian robots, inverse kinematics is much simpler than for SCARA robots, as the position of the hand, which is usually specified within a cartesian coordinate system, maps trivially to the positions of the x and y segments of a (two-dimentional) cartesian robot.

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by Lovisa on 09/22/2019 00:29:54

Hi! Thank you for this article. Loved it, made me feel calm and relaxed. Very pedagogical, best one I have seen so far on basic inverse kinematics!

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Migrated comment, written by Magnus Robert Carl Wootton on 12/27/2019 08:36:27

thats the correct pedagogy right? not the bad kind...

Neex101 commented 1 year ago

This was wonderfully written - it's rare to see something so perfectly explained. You've taken my most feared aspect of the project and made it one to enjoy - thank you so so much!

christophberger commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the kind words. I'm always happy to hear that I have been able to help!