AppsFlyerSDK / AppsFlyerFramework

AppsFlyer Apple SDK
166 stars 89 forks source link

5.0.0 Cocoapods download only has tvOS platform Code. #116

Closed Serena1993 closed 4 years ago

Serena1993 commented 4 years ago


SDK Version

pod 'AppsFlyerFramework', '5.0.0'

What did you do?

pod install --repo-update

What did you expect to happen?

only have tvOS dir . ├── LICENSE ├── └── tvOS └── AppsFlyerLib.framework ├── AppsFlyerLib -> Versions/Current/AppsFlyerLib ├── Headers -> Versions/Current/Headers ├── Modules │   └── module.modulemap └── Versions ├── A │   ├── AppsFlyerLib │   └── Headers │   ├── AppsFlyerCrossPromotionHelper.h │   ├── AppsFlyerLinkGenerator.h │   ├── AppsFlyerShareInviteHelper.h │   └── AppsFlyerTracker.h └── Current -> A

What happened instead?

import AppsFlyerFramework error tip 'Not found AppsFlyerFramework'

Please provide any other relevant information.

ℹ Please replace these two lines with more information. e.g. The issue started when we upgraded the plugin to the latest version

andr-ggn commented 4 years ago

import AppsFlyerLib

Serena1993 commented 4 years ago

I have import AppsFlyerLib, but no framework found in this version. I found this version only has tvOS dir.

Serena1993 commented 4 years ago

pod 'AppsFlyerFramework', '5.0.0' in Podfile. You can try pod cache clean AppsFlyerFramework Remove AppsFlyerFramework in project Pods dir. then pod install There is only and LICENSE.

danilValeev commented 4 years ago

Have the same issue. AppsFlyerFramework isn't installed via CocoaPods.

andr-ggn commented 4 years ago

@danilValeev So provide some information.

andr-ggn commented 4 years ago

@Serena1993 I don't understand you. Can you provide an example, where you can reproduce the problem?

vkhadyka commented 4 years ago

If we try to install framework with version "5.0.0" there are nothing in Framework folder. Only two files: README and LICENSE. No framework files.

andr-ggn commented 4 years ago

I see This is strange, if I choose 5.1.0, etc - everything is fine, but if I choose branch -> tags -> 5.0.0 – GitHub says: This branch is even with master. But master branch and 5.0.0 more than 20 commit diffs

Can you bump your version to 5.1.0 or higher?

andr-ggn commented 4 years ago

Thanks guys for pointing to the issue with 5.0.0! We have found a problem and successfully resolved it. The problem was related to the same branch name and tag(origin/5.0.0 and tag 5.0.0). origin/5.0.0 was pointing to master and tag to the correct place.