AppsFlyerSDK / AppsFlyerFramework

AppsFlyer Apple SDK
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Can't Compile on Xcode 12 Beta 4 #121

Closed dacoinminster closed 3 years ago

dacoinminster commented 3 years ago


SDK Version

5.4.1 (latest available via pod install)

(Also tried latest beta version of AppsFlyer)

What did you do?

Upgraded from Xcode 12 Beta 3 to Xcode 12 Beta 4

What did you expect to happen?

Expected that my project would continue to compile with the AppsFlyer SDK installed

What happened instead?

When I try to compile, I get a linker error:

ld: in /Users/j.r.willett/Documents/GitHub/cozi/ios/app/iCozi/Pods/AppsFlyerFramework/iOS/AppsFlyerLib.framework/AppsFlyerLib(AFSDKChecksum.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file '/Users/j.r.willett/Documents/GitHub/cozi/ios/app/iCozi/Pods/AppsFlyerFramework/iOS/AppsFlyerLib.framework/AppsFlyerLib' for architecture arm64

Please provide any other relevant information.

Online resources about this error seem to indicate that only AppsFlyer can fix this problem:

If this library is from a framework vendor (either as source or a pre-compiled binary), or you integrate a vendor's library into your app with a third party dependency manager, please consult with the library vendor or dependency manager for support.

(Found here:

Does this mean AppsFlyer cannot be used with newest XCode until you release a new version of your framework??

andr-ggn commented 3 years ago

MacCatalyst is on?

dacoinminster commented 3 years ago

No we specified to only build for ios (iphone and ipad). Mac is unchecked. Again, the ONLY change here is an upgrade from Xcode 12 Beta 3 to XCode 12 beta 4, which just came out a couple days ago. Has anybody successfully used the AppsFlyer framework with Xcode 12 beta 4? I'd hate to remove AppsFlyer from our app just to be compatible with the ios 14 release . . .

dacoinminster commented 3 years ago

I just discovered that AppsFlyer has a beta version that is intended for use with iOS 14:

I tried the beta version this morning, but it has the same problem - cannot be used with XCode 12 Beta 4.

dacoinminster commented 3 years ago

Problem solved! Solution was posted on an Apple forum here:

Basically, search for ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH and make sure it is YES everywhere.

zchacker commented 3 years ago

install the library via Swift Package Manager as described in home page here : was solve the whole problem.