AppsFlyerSDK / AppsFlyerFramework

AppsFlyer Apple SDK
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[Suggestion] remove +load method #141

Closed shanksGuo closed 3 years ago

shanksGuo commented 3 years ago

We are optimizing App's launch time, wo found that +load method in pre-main phase had a negative effect on launch, so we remove all +load in our code and significantly improved the launch experience. But, We cannot remove +load in Applflyer framework. So, considering that Apple doest not encourage developer to use +load, I suggest AppsFlyer remove +load method. Instead, move the implement to AppsFlyer's "setup" method or Initialize. Wish you accept my advice.

af-fess commented 3 years ago

Thank you, we will check it out

shanksGuo commented 3 years ago

Thanks, waiting for you to optimize it.

shanksGuo commented 3 years ago

@af-fess Any progress?

andr-ggn commented 3 years ago

Upcoming 6.3.1 will contain such improvement

shanksGuo commented 3 years ago

@andr-ggn When will v6.3.1 be released?