AppsFlyerSDK / AppsFlyerFramework

AppsFlyer Apple SDK
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Support for Swift package manager #157

Closed ashender closed 3 years ago

ashender commented 3 years ago

Support for Swift package manager was added for 6.1.0 only. The latest version is 6.1.4 and it doesn't support SPM. Please add support for it

andr-ggn commented 3 years ago

Hi, 6.1.4 supports SPM. Please, read before. I hope Xcode 12.5 will fix issue with static frameworks.

zhongqing05 commented 3 years ago

use SPM can't upload .and tip error. Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21

meirkl commented 3 years ago

@zhongqing05 I added this script to the archive post actions. Not sure what it does but I was able to upload to app store

echo "Removing static frameworks from ${WRAPPER_NAME} archive" > $LOGFILE
find "${ARCHIVE_PRODUCTS_PATH}/Applications/${WRAPPER_NAME}" -name '*.framework' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' fm; do
    name=$(basename "${fm}" .framework)
    echo "Checking: ${fm}" >> $LOGFILE
    if file "${target}" | grep -q "current ar archive"; then
        rm -rf "${fm}"
        echo "Removed static framework: ${fm}" >> $LOGFILE
andr-ggn commented 3 years ago

6.3.0 does not require post actions. Thank you, guys, for your participation!