AppsFlyerSDK / AppsFlyerFramework

AppsFlyer Apple SDK
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SPM commit changes "under the hood" #202

Closed mathaeus closed 1 year ago

mathaeus commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure why this is happening, but I guess you moved the git tag to another commit, when you created the release today.

I'm not sure if you re-released 6.5.4 or if we on our side updated the SDK to your "non-release tag of 6.5.4" before you officially released 6.5.4. We are auto-updating minor/patch versions on our side, and if there was no official release from your side yet then I guess this one slipped through on our side.

Long story short: I would be interested in if you regularly tag commits before creating an official release (which refers to a potentially different commit then)? So that we can prevent such "under the hood changes in the end.


Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 15 31 58
af-fess commented 2 years ago

Hi @mathaeus , yes, we added 2 zip files of xcframework to releases manually. We investigate this case what Github API didn't work smoothly.

Thank you for checking this out.

timmoosezen commented 2 years ago

This one has been plaguing our team as well.

amit-kremer93 commented 1 year ago
