AppsFlyerSDK / AppsFlyerFramework

AppsFlyer Apple SDK
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Xcode 15.3 and App Store Connect Issue #265

Closed gooson closed 3 months ago

gooson commented 3 months ago


SDK Version


What did you do?

Xcode 15.3 - Archive my app and upload it to the App Store.

What did you expect to happen?

Expect successful upload to App Store Connect

What happened instead?

upload failed.

스크린샷 2024-03-08 오전 11 28 41

Please provide any other relevant information.

Asset validation failed Invalid Bundle. The bundle KREAM does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist. (ID: d6f1120b-80ac-4987-93c9-f77662464369)

alfredcc commented 3 months ago


sroyaura commented 3 months ago

This is blocking us from using the latest Xcode version to build and deploy.

ersel95 commented 3 months ago

Same issue here. Google and Facebook had the same issue. Solved with an update. Waiting for an update from your side too ASAP please.

af-obodovskyi commented 3 months ago

umutturemen1496 commented 3 months ago

I am using the master branch to get the most updated version as soon as possible. Nothing has changed since 3 days. Either Apple or you should fix this quickly. We cannot send an update.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 14 23 44

krotoff commented 3 months ago

+1 here, waiting for the update

alxrguz commented 3 months ago


vladimirDarksy commented 3 months ago


dvdjmnz commented 3 months ago


via-guy commented 3 months ago


KimHyunMin1751 commented 3 months ago


mwirtz112 commented 3 months ago


af-obodovskyi commented 3 months ago

sefaaycicek commented 3 months ago

You can use cocoapods instead of spm until the problem is solved.

TizianoCoroneo commented 3 months ago

You can use cocoapods instead of spm until the problem is solved.

We removed Cocoapods from our project years ago, this is not an option

TizianoCoroneo commented 3 months ago


The metadata inside the .xcframework file that you fetch from the Package.swift file indicates that the build has been made with Xcode 12.5.1 from 2021. To use a version of Xcode 3 years old is unacceptable for a framework vendor; we will be removing AppsFlyer for the time being. We'd be happy to add it back once you figure out these packaging issues.

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 11 02 05

Hartistic commented 3 months ago

same here, can we get this fixed?

johantorstensson commented 3 months ago

This is ridiculous! I don't want to go backwards to cocoapods.. plz!

sefaaycicek commented 3 months ago

I am not from the appsflyer team, we had to temporarily move forward with cocoapods because there was a blocker in publishing the application.

sauravexodus commented 3 months ago

Fix this guys!

mwirtz112 commented 3 months ago

Any Updates? It's been 2 weeks here?

jamesrogers93 commented 3 months ago

Xcode 15.3 causes issues for me. I worked around by simply reinstalling Xcode 15.2

IdoMDigiBank commented 3 months ago

Any Updates?

Hartistic commented 3 months ago

I would like to emphasize our growing concern regarding the current compatibility issues with the Xcode 15.3 compiler on Xcode Cloud, which has significantly impacted our development workflow. The decision to integrate a third-party framework into our projects is heavily influenced by the level of responsiveness and support offered. Given the subscription cost associated with utilizing your framework, our expectations align with receiving prompt and prioritized support.

We understand the complexities involved in addressing such issues; however, the proposed timeline for a resolution by March 25th raises substantial concerns within our team. The delay is prompting us to reevaluate our continued use of your product.

We appreciate the hard work and dedication of your development team. In light of our commitment to using AppsFlyer, we kindly urge you to consider allocating additional resources to expedite the resolution of this compatibility issue. A more immediate fix would greatly assist us in maintaining our development schedule and reinforce our confidence in your framework as a reliable component of our software stack.

FabianBartels commented 3 months ago

I fixed it by downgrading to Xcode version 15.2.

Hint: This is not only happening to AppsFlyer but also to Facebook and i am sure others also suffer from this.

I hope it helped you :)

I addition, I think that just writing "fix it" wont help anyone. Gathering informations and helping others to solve this asap is the better way in my pov.

TizianoCoroneo commented 3 months ago

I found a comment in a similar thread for the Facebook SDK, here's a possible workaround for the moment:

From the organizer -> open the archived by finder -> open the content of the app -> frameworks -> framework which has the issue -> info.plist MinimumOsVersion = 15.0.0 [or your min OS version]

mwirtz112 commented 3 months ago

+1 to Hartistic, This is becoming unreasonable. We will be transferring to another service by the end of this week if the issue is not solved.

johantorstensson commented 3 months ago

Nevermind, I just got news we cancelled this service. Good luck y'all ;)

af-obodovskyi commented 3 months ago

kirandwarkan commented 3 months ago

I updated to version 6.13.2 and still got a validation error uploading to TestFlight. This does not appear to have been fixed.

ob1vansk1y commented 3 months ago

@kirandwarkan please, use spm repositories in the documentation to the AppsFlyerFramework for static, dynamic and strict dependencies respectively. Clear SPM cache and try again, it fixes the issue

IdoMDigiBank commented 3 months ago

I also update to version 6.13.2 and also did SPM clear cache, but still got a validation error uploading to TestFlight.

af-obodovskyi commented 3 months ago

alpha-moisol commented 3 months ago

I managed to upload my build, but got this warning letter from AppStoreConnect ITMS-90747: Architecture incompatible with MinimumOSVersion. The app bundle at '***.app/Frameworks/AppsFlyerLib.framework' specifies a MinimumOSVersion of '100.0' but contains a 32-bit architecture that is unsupported on iOS 12 and later.