AppsFlyerSDK / AppsFlyerFramework

AppsFlyer Apple SDK
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6.14.1 - AppStoreConnect error about MinimumOSVersion #287

Open gooson opened 2 months ago

gooson commented 2 months ago


SDK Version

ℹ Please replace these two lines with the sdk version. 6.14.1 static

What did you do?

Archive and Upload

What did you expect to happen?

Build is uploaded without error

What happened instead?

Invalid Bundle. The bundle KREAM does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist. (ID: 1e6208c6-e530-4c56-973c-dee12d2f2e5a)

Please provide any other relevant information.

스크린샷 2024-04-19 오후 1 54 44

gooson commented 2 months ago

dynamic is working.

af-obodovskyi commented 2 months ago

@gooson could you please answer following questions, in order I could help you?

  1. On what platform do you experience the issue?
  2. With which Xcode version do you try to release?
  3. What is the minimum iOS version supported by your Application?
inderdeep-singh-zomato commented 2 months ago

@af-obodovskyi - this is an issue with Xcode 15.3 when building for iOS. We were also facing similar issue with Firebase, but it was fixed here.

af-obodovskyi commented 2 months ago

@inderdeep-singh-zomato we know about this issue and we had a workaround solution for it with minimumOSVersion=100 in previous SDK releases. In 6.14.1, we have upgraded the build tools and bumped minimum supported iOS version to 12. Do you experience the same problem with our SDK in version 6.14.1?

inderdeep-singh-zomato commented 2 months ago

@af-obodovskyi we're using v6.12.2 in our project and faced this issue while submitting release to App Store. I saw this open issue and thought that it is not resolved on the latest version as well.

af-obodovskyi commented 2 months ago

@inderdeep-singh-zomato could you please try to upgrade to v6.14.1? I have tested it with Xcode 15.2 and Xcode 15.3 and for me the issue with minimumOSVersion was gone. Also, it resolved another issue with generation of Privacy report for apps, using Static AppsFlyerLib, if you build with Xcode 15.3 and higher.

inderdeep-singh-zomato commented 2 months ago

@af-obodovskyi we'll try this for our next release and get back. Thanks.

simonwhitehouse commented 2 months ago

6.14.1 the issue has come back. Doesn't upload to App Store Connect when building using Xcode 15.3 if min deployment target is iOS 15. I'm sure this is an issue from Apple but may need the previous hack/fix in until Apple updates.

I presume it works fine if your min deployment is iOS 12. It's when it's greater than the min there's an issue / bug

benco13 commented 2 months ago

We've got the same issue using 6.14.2. If we have a minimum iOS deployment of 13 we get the error "AppsFlyerLib.framework does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist" when uploading. If I drop that to iOS 12 it succeeds uploading the build. This is with Xcode 15.3.

galipMNL commented 2 months ago

Any indication when AppsFlyer AdRevenue SDK will have the same fixes? It is the only one left at 16.3.x whereas the static library as the Purchase Connector are on 16.4.x where this issue seams to be resolved.

TakuyaCel commented 1 month ago


We are getting the same issue on version 6.14.3 as well. It seems like it is due to some problems on XCode 15.x, would it be possible to change the MinimumOSVersion of Info.plist to 100 as temporary solution like Firebase did?

nicolasvergoz-leo commented 1 month ago

How do you change the minimumOSVersion in plist file manually ? I don't see any plist in the spm files. When I download file there is one in it, but is that the way you did it ? Download manually, edit plist file, and embed the framework in my target ?

TakuyaCel commented 1 month ago

Hi, Sorry what I meant is not to change the minimumOSVersion of AppsFlyerFramework, but asking to change by AppsFlyer side as a temporary fix.

af-obodovskyi commented 1 month ago

@TakuyaCel what AppsFlyer SDK SPM repository do you use? Basically, we have changed the minimumOSVersion to 100 for Static and Strict SPM packages starting 6.14.0.

TakuyaCel commented 1 month ago

@af-obodovskyi Hi, We are using which are in the following link. Also verified that the minimumOSVersion of Static and Strict SPM packages has set to 100.

mindgraffiti commented 2 weeks ago

Hello 👋

This is happening for my app as well.

Platform: iOS Xcode version: 15.3 Min. OS: iOS 16

Updating to 6.14.4 didn't remove the warning from ASC. The SDK's SPM repo used is: