AppsFlyerSDK / appsflyer-flutter-plugin

Flutter Plugin for AppsFlyer SDK
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function "onDeepLinking" is not triggered when app is terminated on IOS #291

Open scriabinEtude opened 10 months ago

scriabinEtude commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug function onDeepLinking is not triggered when app is terminated on IOS

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. install app. and run
  2. terminate app
  3. click onelink
  4. app is launched
  5. onDeepLinking isn't called.

Expected behavior onDeepLinking is triggered with deep_link_value

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

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Additional context

appsflyer_sdk: ^6.11.3 I'm using firebase_dynamic_links: ^5.2.0, app_links: ^3.4.3 to handle other links. so FlutterDeepLinkingEnabled is false

// my code

var _sdk = AppsflyerSdk(options).initSdk(
  registerConversionDataCallback: true,
  registerOnAppOpenAttributionCallback: true,
  registerOnDeepLinkingCallback: true,

listen() {
  _sdk.onAppOpenAttribution((res) {
    print("onAppOpenAttribution res: $res");
  _sdk.onInstallConversionData((res) {
    print("onInstallConversionData res: $res");
  _sdk.onDeepLinking((DeepLinkResult dp) {
    switch (dp.status) {
      case Status.FOUND:
        print("deep link value: ${dp.deepLink?.deepLinkValue}");
      case Status.NOT_FOUND:
        print("deep link not found");
      case Status.ERROR:
        print("deep link error: ${dp.error}");
      case Status.PARSE_ERROR:
        print("deep link status parsing error");
    print("onDeepLinking res: $dp");

function onDeepLinking doing well under the state that app is running. but when app is terminated, it doesn't. i want to use onelink and other links together.


kalyanchandra48 commented 6 months ago

@scriabinEtude Did you get a Solution for this Issue or any support?