AppsFlyerSDK / appsflyer-flutter-plugin

Flutter Plugin for AppsFlyer SDK
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OneLink doesn't work after app install #306

Open lashket opened 3 months ago

lashket commented 3 months ago


I want to implement this behaviour:

  1. User click on link
  2. User redirected to app/google store
  3. install the app and be redirected to specific page based on site_id

But it doesn't work. When app already installed it works fine.

On first installation I get some weird stuff: {"scheme":"","request_ip_version":"IP_V6","is_deferred":false,"host":"google","link":"","path":"/link","match_message":"No pre-install link matched for this device."}

I'm using the latest version of AppsFlyer SDK appsflyer_sdk: ^6.13.0+2

Flutter version: 3.16.8

Also, I set up this package app_tracking_transparency based on this documentation:

final AppsFlyerOptions appsFlyerOptions = AppsFlyerOptions(
      afDevKey: 'mykey',
      appId: isIos ? '6446839508' : '',
      showDebug: true,
      manualStart: true,
      timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization: 60,

P.s. everything works fine for android platform

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

👋 Hi @lashket and Thank you for reaching out to us. In order for us to provide optimal support, please submit a ticket to our support team at When submitting the ticket, please specify:

amit-iconflux commented 2 months ago

Getting same issue.

Dimolll commented 2 months ago

same issue

tudosxxx commented 1 month ago

I can only see ondeeplink monitoring and printing when running through IDE. There is no deep link. Then I created the invitation link through the method, opened the network through the invitation link, then entered the googlepaly store, and then opened the application. Ondeeplink did not listen, but printed onInstallConversionData res: {status: success, payload: {install_time: 2024-05 -23 02:43:32.550, af_status: Organic, af_message: organic install, is_first_launch: false}}。

How do you test Android?