AppsFlyerSDK / appsflyer-react-native-plugin

AppsFlyer plugin for React Native
MIT License
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onInstallConversionData not returning query param in response #450

Closed walterholohan closed 1 year ago

walterholohan commented 1 year ago


Hi, we've been using OneLink and AppsFyler to automatically pre-fill a referral code when a user clicks on the oneLink, install the app and signs up. An example of this OneLink is As you can see we add the query parameter to the end of the oneLink. Previously when using 6.9.2 of this library the code would appear in the appsFlyer.onInstallConversionData response. Here is an example response:

  "status": "success",
  "type": "onInstallConversionDataLoaded",
  "data": {
    "adset": null,
    "click_time": "2023-01-13 16:39:54.721",
    "is_incentivized": "false",
    "esp_name": null,
    "is_branded_link": null,
    "is_retargeting": "false",
    "fbclid": "XXXXX",
    "shortlink": "refer",
    "af_siteid": null,
    "agency": null,
    "http_referrer": "",
    "af_sub2": null,
    "af_status": "Non-organic",
    "af_dp": "XXX://",
    "af_cpi": null,
    "af_sub1": null,
    "campaign": "Runna Affiliate",
    "cost_cents_USD": "0",
    "is_universal_link": null,
    "install_time": "2023-01-13 16:48:26.949",
    "adgroup": null,
    "code": "JP2",
    "iscache": true,
    "af_lp_src": "XXXXX",
    "af_sub5": null,
    "af_click_lookback": "7d",
    "adset_id": null,
    "adgroup_id": null,
    "media_source": "referral_link",
    "engmnt_source": null,
    "af_sub4": null,
    "is_first_launch": true,
    "campaign_id": null,
    "redirect_response_data": null,
    "orig_cost": "0.0",
    "match_type": "probabilistic",
    "af_sub3": null,
    "retargeting_conversion_type": "none"

But since upgrading to 6.9.4, the code (i.e. code: JP2) is not getting returned in the response anymore. Is this expected?

Plugin Version


On what Platform are you having the issue?


walterholohan commented 1 year ago

We just released a new version of the app with 6.9.2 and can confirm that the query parameter is getting sent through in the response for appsFlyer.onInstallConversionData(). So therefore 6.9.4 is broken. Would someone be able to take a look please as we wont be able to upgrade until this is fixed/

  "status": "success",
  "type": "onInstallConversionDataLoaded",
  "data": {
    "redirect_response_data": null,
    "code": "JP2",
    "adgroup_id": null,
    "engmnt_source": null,
    "retargeting_conversion_type": "none",
    "is_incentivized": "false",
    "orig_cost": "0.0",
    "is_first_launch": false,
    "af_click_lookback": "7d",
    "af_cpi": null,
    "iscache": true,
    "click_time": "2023-03-10 17:33:56.182",
    "is_branded_link": null,
    "match_type": "gp_referrer",
    "adset": null,
    "campaign_id": null,
    "shortlink": "refer",
    "af_dp": "xxxx",
    "install_time": "2023-03-10 18:03:04.278",
    "media_source": "referral_link",
    "agency": null,
    "af_siteid": null,
    "af_status": "Non-organic",
    "af_sub1": null,
    "cost_cents_USD": "0",
    "af_sub5": null,
    "af_sub4": null,
    "af_sub3": null,
    "af_sub2": null,
    "adset_id": null,
    "esp_name": null,
    "campaign": "Runna Affiliate",
    "http_referrer": null,
    "af_lp_src": "xxxxx",
    "is_universal_link": null,
    "is_retargeting": "false",
    "adgroup": null
amit-kremer93 commented 1 year ago

it happens on iOS? Android? both?

walterholohan commented 1 year ago

iOS for sure, i will double check Android

rodmastro32 commented 1 year ago

i've noticed that on android it only works if i reset my advertising id. but then, only the first installation have the deeplink data. reinstalling the app doesnt bring the data unless i add my device as test device in appsfyler's dashboard

amit-kremer93 commented 1 year ago

@walterholohan the last payload that you showed here is from 6.9.4? (because i can see the code key). The behavior is the same between 6.9.2 and 6.9.4 so it should work the same. It would be better if you would open a ticket to our support team at for further investigation of your issue.

walterholohan commented 1 year ago

The last payload is from 6.9.2. After we reverted 6.9.4 back to 6.9.2 'code' re-appeared in the payload which confirmed to us that 6.9.4 was the culprit. We added logging to our app which has ~5000 downloads a day and was able to confirm our assumptions that 6.9.2 was working perfectly.

We opened a support ticket, however they requested debug logs that are impossible to retrieve. I.e. as the use case is: user clicks on OneLink, link navigates to App Store, user downloads app, onInstallConversion listener returns 'code' in payload.

Can you keep this issue open and pass onto the relevant product team for investigation? It must be to do with the iOS SDK upgrade.

walterholohan commented 1 year ago

@amit-kremer93 any update on above? I've seen you released a new version yesterday. Will this resolve the issue?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

👋 Hi @walterholohan and Thank you for reaching out to us. In order for us to provide optimal support, please submit a ticket to our support team at When submitting the ticket, please specify: