AppsFlyerSDK / appsflyer-react-native-plugin

AppsFlyer plugin for React Native
MIT License
271 stars 196 forks source link

iOS development build crashing with invalid memory access #555

Open JuanRdBO opened 1 month ago

JuanRdBO commented 1 month ago


Plugin Version


On what Platform are you having the issue?


What did you do?

I ran my app in a physical iOS device.

npx expo start --dev-client --reset-cache --port 8081

What did you expect to happen?

I expected the app to load correctly

What happened instead?

As soon as I called the appsFlyer.initSdk() function, I get the error below. It seems like an invalid memory access.

Please provide any other relevant information.

Interestingly, this only happens on the iOS development builds. Not on either the production builds or the simulator ones.

Here are the error logs I can see:

[com.facebook.react.RNAppsFlyerQueue] AppsFlyer SDK version 6.14.3 started build (177)
[com.facebook.react.RNAppsFlyerQueue] Keychain items migration status: 0
[com.facebook.react.RNAppsFlyerQueue] * AppsFlyer is set to debug mode. This should only be used in development environment! *
[com.facebook.react.RNAppsFlyerQueue] handleOpenUrl: exp+decaf-wallet://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.68.100%3A8081
[com.appsflyer.serial] [DDL] Params: {
    "att_status" = "-999";
    idfv =     {
        type = unhashed;
        value = "5253716C-EBAF-48E9-9660-EA12F697D204";
    "is_first" = 1;
    lang = "";
    os = "17.3";
    "request_count" = 1;
    "request_id" = "1716576625903-5253716";
    timestamp = "2024-05-24T18:54:00.542";
    type = iPhone;
DDL Timeout: 60.00000sec
[com.appsflyer.serial] Deeplink regex execution time: 0.000084
[AppsFlyer Exception Client] [EXM] Flush called not on didEnterBackground. Exceptions will not be sent
[com.appsflyer.serial] Start
[com.appsflyer.serial] [CLS] ADClient not found
[com.appsflyer.serial] [CLS] FBSDKAppEventsUtility loaded
[com.appsflyer.serial] [START] isFirstLaunch: Yes, timestamp: (null)
[com.appsflyer.serial] Dynamically loaded library: AdServices
+[RNFBAppModule getCustomDomain:] [Line 239] authDomains: (null)
-[RNFBAuthModule configureAuthDomain:] [Line 165] RNFBAuth app: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT customAuthDomain: (null)
[com.appsflyer.serial] [SKAd] Register app for SKAdNetwork attribution with status code: 0
[com.appsflyer.serial] [START] Initial start of the application
[com.appsflyer.serial] Installation detected
[com.appsflyer.serial] Looking for previous version date
[com.appsflyer.serial] Current cached application version: (null), new version: 5.0.0
[com.appsflyer.serial] First AppsFlyer SDK launch or new version detected
[com.appsflyer.serial] date1: 2024-05-24_125025-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] date2: 2024-05-24_125357-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] date3: 2024-05-24_125357-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] Generate first launch date: 2024-05-24_125401-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] First launch date: 2024-05-24_125401-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] iAD: iSearchAdsDict is nil
[com.appsflyer.serial] [SKAd] No SKAdRule found
[com.appsflyer.serial] AFSDK_NO_IDFA
[com.appsflyer.serial] [iAD]: ASA disabled: No
[com.appsflyer.serial] [iAD]: Send Atttribution request
[com.appsflyer.serial] Looking for previous version date
[com.appsflyer.serial] Current cached application version: 5.0.0, new version: 5.0.0
[com.appsflyer.serial] Use date3 from storage
[com.appsflyer.serial] date1: 2024-05-24_125025-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] date2: 2024-05-24_125357-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] date3: 2024-05-24_125357-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] First launch date: 2024-05-24_125401-0600
[com.appsflyer.serial] AFSDK_NO_IDFA
[AppsFlyer Exception Client] [EXM] Flush called not on didEnterBackground. Exceptions will not be sent
[com.appsflyer.serial] Start
[com.appsflyer.serial] [CLS] ADClient not found
[com.appsflyer.serial] [CLS] FBSDKAppEventsUtility loaded
[com.appsflyer.serial] [START] isFirstLaunch: No, timestamp: 1716576841.509207
[com.appsflyer.serial] [START] Time from last start(session): 0.005666
[com.appsflyer.serial] [WARNING] Skip launch
[com.appsflyer.serial] [HTTP] Operation start: `DDL-F84592A5-85BD-4337-B2D4-C052F14C0462`
[com.appsflyer.serial] [DDL] URL:
[com.appsflyer.serial] [CACHE] Caching request...(cache size: 0)
[com.appsflyer.serial] [CACHE] Caching request...(cache size: 1)

The error happens here 👇

SKAdNetwork: Error while updating conversion value: Error Domain=SKANErrorDomain Code=10 "(null)"
[com.appsflyer.serial] [SKAd] Error updating conversion value: The operation couldn’t be completed. (SKANErrorDomain error 10.)
[com.appsflyer.serial] [SKAd] Monitoring report payload: {"sdk_version":"6.14.3","gcv_transaction_id":"7B516B71-FC6C-4BF2-9E05-60AD94DAAAF8","gcv_coarse_value":"low","gcv_lock_window":false,"error_description":"The operation couldn’t be completed. (SKANErrorDomain error 10.)","gcv_postback_sequence":0,"subject":"sdk-cv-skan4-error-log","skan_mode":"undefined","is_default_coarse":true,"ucv_coarse_value":"low","gcv_next_w_time":0,"app_id":"id1616564038","install_time":"2024-05-24_125025-0600","error_code":10,"error_name":"unknown","gcv_req_device_ts":0,"is_default_fine":true,"timestamp":1716576842,"ucv_lock_window":false,"os_version":"17.3","ucv_fine_value":0,"ucv_device_ts":1716576841575,"gcv_fine_value":0,"appsflyer_id":"1716576625903-5253716"}
[com.appsflyer.serial] [SKAN] URL:
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

👋 Hi @JuanRdBO and Thank you for reaching out to us. In order for us to provide optimal support, please submit a ticket to our support team at When submitting the ticket, please specify: