Appsilon / shiny.router

A minimalistic router for your Shiny apps.
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How to use shiny.router to link URL address with "tabItem" in "shinydashboard" package ? #20

Closed andirey closed 7 years ago

andirey commented 7 years ago

I would like to use "shiny.router" to link URL address with "tabItem" of "dashboardBody" when using "shinydashboard" package. It will be great to see some examples how to do it. Thanks :)

filipstachura commented 7 years ago

Hi @andirey!

Just a few, quick thoughts, as I only have several minutes to check this out. It looks like shinydashboard influences javascript a lot. When I create minimal app (source below) I get some sort of routing but: Problem 1) it does not change dynamically - so when I click on the sidebar URL the address in the browser does not change Problem 2) you cannot access each tab by requesting its URL. If you go to[PORT]/#shiny-tab-widgets you still get the main tab.

What are your options:

Having said that we'll definitely look into that and would love to implement this as a feature in the future. We know a lot of Shiny developers use shinydashboard.

minimal app source code:


ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
      menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),
      menuItem("Widgets", tabName = "widgets", icon = icon("th"))
      tabItem(tabName = "dashboard", h2("tab A")),
      tabItem(tabName = "widgets", h2("tab B"))

shinyApp(ui, shinyServer(function(input, output) {}))
andirey commented 7 years ago

Hi, @filipstachura ! Thanks for the detailed answer. I will try to use "fluidPage" and will be glad to see "dashboardPage()" case ! andrii

pink-sh commented 6 years ago

Hi, I made this small solution to route the shinydashboard page to a sub item if you try to access the application with an anchor to that subitem in the URL.

in the dashboardBody section I added a new custom.js script

tags$head(tags$script(type="text/javascript", src="custom.js"))

then the custom.js file would look like this

    if (window.location.hash) {
      var hash_val = '#' + window.location.hash.replace('#','');
      $('a', $('.sidebar')).each(function() {
          if(this.getAttribute('href') == hash_val) {

this function runs on every page load and checks for any anchor tags in the URL, if found it goes through all the menu items and if a match is found it forces the click.

Downside is that the menu item does not get "active" with this trick.

ismirsehregal commented 2 years ago

This recently came up on SO again. For those interested here is a workaround.