Appsilon / shiny.router

A minimalistic router for your Shiny apps.
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Router "True" Issue #38

Closed ccwitt closed 6 years ago

ccwitt commented 6 years ago

Anytime I source a .R page that I have created and then Run the app, the App will load but only with have the screen visible and the word "TRUE" at the bottom left side. How do I fix this annoyance. I have uploaded some minimal R code.




Both sample pages.

page2 <- source("/SamplingProject/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R")

Creates router. We provide routing path and UI for this page.

router <- make_router( route("/page2", page2) )

Creat output for our router in main UI of Shiny app.

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( router_ui() ))

Plug router into Shiny server.

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) { router(input, output) })

Run server in a standard way.

shinyApp(ui, server)

krystian8207 commented 6 years ago

Hi! Thank you for using shiny.router. Fast test showed me that assigning source output to variable make it visible as TRUE. Can you perform assignment for page2 variable inside your script: "/SamplingProject/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R", and then just type: source("/SamplingProject/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R") outside server and ui? I think this should help.

Best, Krystian

ccwitt commented 6 years ago


Can you give me a quick example of what you mean exactly? I really appreciate your help.

ccwitt commented 6 years ago

I ran the following code, and still get the same nonsense...





ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( router_ui() ))

Plug router into Shiny server.

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) { router(input, output)


router <- make_router( route("/page2", page2),

page2<- "/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R"


Run server in a standard way.

shinyApp(ui, server)

ccwitt commented 6 years ago

However, this does work, just cannot pass it in as variable, thanks for the help.




ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( router_ui() ))

Plug router into Shiny server.

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) { router(input, output)


router <- make_router( route("/page2", source("/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R"))


Run server in a standard way.

shinyApp(ui, server)

krystian8207 commented 6 years ago

Hi. Sure. Assume that your current version of "/SamplingProject/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R" is:


Instead of assigning: page2 <- source("/SamplingProject/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R") just type: source("/SamplingProject/7a_Create_Strata_Assing_Default_Single_Stratum.R") And change mentioned above script with:

page2 <- tags$div("Hello")

I think this should help.

ccwitt commented 6 years ago

What I am trying to do is create a customized header with HTML code that will link to already created .R pages. Unfortunately these .R pages contain their on UI and Server. I was hoping to integrate them in the code by just referencing them. Problem is after solving that one problem I get TRUE appearing again.

For example, library(shiny)



router <- make_router( route("/page2", source("/2SampleSelection/screen1.R")))

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( includeHTML("/SamplingProject/Header2.html"), router_ui() ))

Plug router into Shiny server.

server <- shinyServer( function(input, output) { router(input, output) })

Run server in a standard way.

shinyApp(ui, server)

krystian8207 commented 6 years ago

Hi I think the problem is that you use source incorrect.

I see now two possible ways:

  1. I presented in my previous post.
  2. Extract the source value in your example with: source("/2SampleSelection/screen1.R")$value.
ccwitt commented 6 years ago

You are right, the following also works,




page2 <- "//filer1/ppi/SamplingProject/2SampleSelection/screen1.R"

router<- make_router( route("/page2", source(page2)))

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage( router_ui() ))

Plug router into Shiny server.

server <- shinyServer( function(input, output) { router(input,output) })

Run server in a standard way.

shinyApp(ui, server)

But now how do I insert a page that I have created in HTML as a header without the TRUE statement appearing

ccwitt commented 6 years ago

I just cannot seem to get a header to display without that "TRUE" statement appearing any thoughts?

krystian8207 commented 6 years ago

@ccwitt It would be great if you prepare small example when the issue occurs. For now I cannot help you without knowledge of content of screen1.R script.

ccwitt commented 6 years ago

@krystian8207 thanks again for all your help, here is screen1.R as requested,


body <- dashboardBody(

    box(title = "Select Sort Variables for Stratum", width=2, status="primary", 

        selectInput("select1", label = h5("Sort Variable 1"), choices = list("EMPLOYMENT" = 1, "WAGES" = 2), selected = 1),

        selectizeInput("select2", label = h5("Sort Variable 2"), choices = list(" ","EMPLOYMENT" = 1, "WAGES" = 2), selected = NULL),

        selectizeInput("select3", label = h5("Sort Variable 3"), choices = list(" ","EMPLOYMENT" = 1, "WAGES" = 2), selected = NULL)
        ), # End Box 1

    box( width = 8, 

             table, th, td{border: 1px solid black;padding: 10px 20px;}

             <th> ASSIGN </th>
             <th> SS </th>
             <th> DESCRIPTION </th>
             <th> SORT ORDER 1 </th>
             <th> SORT ORDER 2 </th>
             <th> SORT ORDER 3 </th>
             <tr><td> <button onclick="myFunction1()"> Assign </button> </td>
             <td><center> -- </center> </td>
             <td> DEFAULT SINGLE </td>
             <td> <center id="demo1"></center> </td>
             <td> <center id="demo2"></center> </td> 
             <td> <center id="demo3"></center> </td>


             function myFunction1() { 
                 var x = document.getElementById("select1");
                 var y = document.getElementById("select2");
                 var z = document.getElementById("select3");

                  var x1 = x.options[x.selectedIndex].text;
                  var y1 = y.options[y.selectedIndex].text;
                  var z1 = z.options[z.selectedIndex].text;

                  document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = x1;
                  document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = y1;
                  document.getElementById("demo3").innerHTML = z1;}

             </body>') # End HTML

        ) # End box 2
    ),  #End Fluid Row #1 

    box( width=12, title="ENTER PARAMETER",

         HTML('<!DOCTYPE html>
              table, th, td{border: 1px solid black;padding: 10px 20px}


              <pre>DIPPI ALLOCATION :                                                                  SMD ALLOCATION :    
SAMPLE ALLOCATION : <input type="text" id="input2" value="">                              SIZE MEASURE FOR ALLOCATION : <select name="allocation">  
              <option value="1"> EMPLOYMENT </option>
              <option value="2"> WAGES  </option>
              </select>  <button  type="button" > PROPORTIONALLY ALLOCATE TO </button>

              <th> STRATA </th>
              <th> DESCRIPTION </th>
              <th> FRAME UNITS </th>
              <th> PRE-SELECT </th>
              <th> HOLD </th>
              <th> ALLOC </th>
              <th> SAMPLE SIZE MEASURE </th>
              <th> MIN </th>
              <td> <center> -- </center> </td>
              <td> Default Single </td>
              <td>  </td>
              <td>  </td>
              <td> <center> <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox"> </center> </td>
              <td>  <center id="demo4"> </td>
              <td> <center> EMPLOYMENT </center> </td>
              <td> <input id="input2" type="text"> </td>

              <p style="margin:0 0 0 72.5%"> <button onclick="myFunction2()"  type="button" > SAVE </button> </p>  


              function myFunction2() { 
              var alloc = document.getElementById("input2").value;
           if((alloc%1) == 0 && (alloc > 0 ))
              document.getElementById("demo4").innerHTML = parseInt(alloc,10);
              alert("Allocation Saved");
              alert("The allocation you entered is not an integer > 0, please enter in a valid value");




              ')# End Html

       ) # End Box 
    ) #End Fluid Row #2

  ) # End Dashboard Body

# Server
server <- function(input,output)

  # First RoW Outputs
  output$value1 <- renderPrint({ input$select1 })
  output$value2 <- renderPrint({ input$select2 })
  output$value3 <- renderPrint({ input$select3 })


# UI 
ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "PPI Sampling System"),

# Preview the UI in the console
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = function(input, output) { })
krystian8207 commented 6 years ago

Please compare below solution with other examples we prepared in our package to understand how it works better.

Below is correct solution to your problem: app.R



router<- make_router(
  route("/page2", page2)

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

# Plug router into Shiny server.
server <- shinyServer( function(input, output) {
  output$value1 <- renderPrint({ input$select1 })
  output$value2 <- renderPrint({ input$select2 })
  output$value3 <- renderPrint({ input$select3 })

# Run server in a standard way.
shinyApp(ui, server)



body <- dashboardBody(

    box(title = "Select Sort Variables for Stratum", width=2, status="primary", 

        selectInput("select1", label = h5("Sort Variable 1"), choices = list("EMPLOYMENT" = 1, "WAGES" = 2), selected = 1),

        selectizeInput("select2", label = h5("Sort Variable 2"), choices = list(" ","EMPLOYMENT" = 1, "WAGES" = 2), selected = NULL),

        selectizeInput("select3", label = h5("Sort Variable 3"), choices = list(" ","EMPLOYMENT" = 1, "WAGES" = 2), selected = NULL)
    ), # End Box 1

    box( width = 8, 

              table, th, td{border: 1px solid black;padding: 10px 20px;}

              <th> ASSIGN </th>
              <th> SS </th>
              <th> DESCRIPTION </th>
              <th> SORT ORDER 1 </th>
              <th> SORT ORDER 2 </th>
              <th> SORT ORDER 3 </th>
              <tr><td> <button onclick="myFunction1()"> Assign </button> </td>
              <td><center> -- </center> </td>
              <td> DEFAULT SINGLE </td>
              <td> <center id="demo1"></center> </td>
              <td> <center id="demo2"></center> </td> 
              <td> <center id="demo3"></center> </td>


              function myFunction1() { 
              var x = document.getElementById("select1");
              var y = document.getElementById("select2");
              var z = document.getElementById("select3");

              var x1 = x.options[x.selectedIndex].text;
              var y1 = y.options[y.selectedIndex].text;
              var z1 = z.options[z.selectedIndex].text;

              document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = x1;
              document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = y1;
              document.getElementById("demo3").innerHTML = z1;}

              </body>') # End HTML

         ) # End box 2
    ),  #End Fluid Row #1 

    box( width=12, title="ENTER PARAMETER",

         HTML('<!DOCTYPE html>
              table, th, td{border: 1px solid black;padding: 10px 20px}


              <pre>DIPPI ALLOCATION :                                                                  SMD ALLOCATION :    
              SAMPLE ALLOCATION : <input type="text" id="input2" value="">                              SIZE MEASURE FOR ALLOCATION : <select name="allocation">  
              <option value="1"> EMPLOYMENT </option>
              <option value="2"> WAGES  </option>
              </select>  <button  type="button" > PROPORTIONALLY ALLOCATE TO </button>

              <th> STRATA </th>
              <th> DESCRIPTION </th>
              <th> FRAME UNITS </th>
              <th> PRE-SELECT </th>
              <th> HOLD </th>
              <th> ALLOC </th>
              <th> SAMPLE SIZE MEASURE </th>
              <th> MIN </th>
              <td> <center> -- </center> </td>
              <td> Default Single </td>
              <td>  </td>
              <td>  </td>
              <td> <center> <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox"> </center> </td>
              <td>  <center id="demo4"> </td>
              <td> <center> EMPLOYMENT </center> </td>
              <td> <input id="input2" type="text"> </td>

              <p style="margin:0 0 0 72.5%"> <button onclick="myFunction2()"  type="button" > SAVE </button> </p>  


              function myFunction2() { 
              var alloc = document.getElementById("input2").value;
              if((alloc%1) == 0 && (alloc > 0 ))
              document.getElementById("demo4").innerHTML = parseInt(alloc,10);
              alert("Allocation Saved");
              alert("The allocation you entered is not an integer > 0, please enter in a valid value");




              ')# End Html

         ) # End Box 
    ) #End Fluid Row #2

    ) # End Dashboard Body

# UI 
page2 <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "PPI Sampling System"),
ccwitt commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much, I now fully understand what you mean. I have to admit that this is not intuitive. I really appreciate all your help but may have more follow up questions. This definitely works though.