Appsilon / shiny.semantic

Shiny support for powerful Fomantic UI library.
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bugfix: updateSelectInput handle correctly named list as choices #464

Open DangerousWizardry opened 5 months ago

DangerousWizardry commented 5 months ago

Correct a bug where value is not correctly attributed to the data-value attribute in semantic selectInput when using named list as choices.

Have you read the Contributing Guidelines?


Fix a bug when you use named list as choices list. jsonlite::toJSON badly handle the choices list when it came to R named list. Shiny expect a simple JS array. To do that we just have to unname & unlist the initial choices list to get a value vector.

Definition of Done

TymekDev commented 5 months ago

Hi, thank you for your contribution! Two questions:

  1. Do you happen to have a reproducible example to test the change?
  2. Do you know if update_dropdown_input() has some discrepancies too?
DangerousWizardry commented 5 months ago

Here you'll find a reproducible example. It seems to come from named list including spaces in their names.


ui <- semanticPage(
  title = "My page",
    inputId = "item_picker",
    label = "Choose your item",
    choices =  list()


server <- function(input, output, session) {

  item_list <- list("my first item" = 1,"my second item" = 2)
                          inputId = "item_picker",
                          label = "Choose your item",
                          choices =  item_list,
                          selected = 2)


# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)