Appsterdam / Old-Appsterdam-Website

Appsterdam Website
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Press Page: Add #19

Open g7morris opened 12 years ago

g7morris commented 12 years ago

Need to have a press page added for Journalists, media outlets, bloggers and our own clippings.

watermarked pictures with caption explanations e.g. mike speaking etc.

ref: leonie's new design. press.jpg.

how/who to contact for quotes, followups, interviews with Mike. etc.

spllr commented 12 years ago

I believe there is a document with a lot talks, movies and articles.

I think I compiled on the page.

Could serve as a good base.

pdarcey commented 12 years ago

That's a good start, Klaas. I'll get more content, though

pdarcey commented 12 years ago

Shouldn't this be Pre-WWDC?

g7morris commented 12 years ago

Updated to Pre WWDC and assigned to Paul

spllr commented 12 years ago

@pdarcey Lets see if we get there. Would be nice. Can you make sure you deliver the content in a structured way so I can parse into seed data.

pdarcey commented 12 years ago


pdarcey commented 12 years ago

Is Markdown ok for this? If so, here is the content for the page in markdown format in Dropbox at

pdarcey commented 12 years ago

Updated text in the Dropbox file to replace the word "members" with Appsterdammers

spllr commented 12 years ago

Please attach it to this ticket.

pdarcey commented 12 years ago

How do I do that?

spllr commented 12 years ago

@pdarcey Just dump it in the comment box

pdarcey commented 12 years ago

Media Info

Contact Appsterdam:


History of Appsterdam

Recently, we celebrated the one year anniversary of the announcement of Appsterdam, when we released our first blog post.


We are proud of the achievements of our first year:

Besides this we have been present at events such as PICNIC, Microsoft's Tech Days, BlackBerry's DevCon and mDevCon.

World-wide Influence

We have members here in Amsterdam who have come from Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Kazakstan, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK, the USA and elsewhere.

We have embassies in Delft, Warsaw, Milan, and Vancouver with more popping up in Munich, Paris, London, Sydney, Denver, Minneapolis, San Francisco and other places. Each of these has been the result of local people in these places wanting to be part of the Appsterdam experience, but they're unable to be in Amsterdam.

Bringing Talent to Amsterdam

If February this year, we started a program called International Genius Grants, to bring the “A Players” of our industry to Amsterdam, to share knowledge and make friends in the local community. The first Grant recipient was Dom Sagolla, one of the co-creators of Twitter.

Other notable people who have come and spoken at Appsterdam events include: Josh Clark (author of Tapworthy), Graham Lee (security expert and author from O2 in the UK), Aaron Hillegass (founder of Big Nerd Ranch, and author), and Ciara Byrne (international journalist).

Our members have spread the idea of coming to Amsterdam on conference stages worldwide, at conferences such as NSConf 2012 (UK), 360iDev 2012 (USA), YOW! 2011 (Australia). This has consistently lead to visits from people who want to check out the reality of Appsterdam.

As a direct result of Appsterdam, App Makers and their families who have come to Amsterdam and made it their home. We have programs to help App Makers find housing, work, a network and friends in the City of Amsterdam.

Working with Government and Corporate Organisations

We have raised awareness with Government and Corporate organisations and have helped people and organisations understand and tap into the community, plugged their events and shared our network and address book to make Amsterdam truly the best place in the world to be an App Maker.

We have helped international companies such as Big Nerd Ranch set up shop and find good people. We regularly cooperate with other organisations, such as the Waag Society, Appril, BlackBerry DevGroup, RailsGirls, Goto Conference, mDevCon, Startup Weekend, EU Hackathon, and the Belastingdienst’s Centrum voor Applicatieontwikkeling en Onderhoud.

We have good relations with University van Amsterdam, helping them with research projects, getting speakers to address classes there, and providing support and advice to their startup incubator project. We have a special relationship with Vacant NL, a masters program from the Sandberg Institute.

The next year

All these things we have been able to do thanks to hard work of our volunteers and the support of many. One year into it, our organisation has grown into something which is bigger than the hand-full of people who started it. We have outgrown what can be managed by just volunteers with a will to make it happen, so we are transforming ourselves into a more professional organisation under the auspices of Stichting Appsterdam.

Appsterdam in the press


Posted Apr 20, 2011 on blog, author Mike Lee

If you want to make movies, go to Hollywood. If you want to make musicals, go to Broadway. If you want to make apps, go to Appsterdam.

Amsterdam: the app maker’s heaven on earth

Posted on AIB

App designers from all over the globe gathered in Amsterdam on the 25 and 26 June 2011 to share ideas and develop new mobile applications at one of the Appsterdam summer events.

Mike Lee - The Road to Appsterdam (video)

Posted Dec 19, 2011 by channel9

Interview with Mike Lee on Appsterdam at YOW! Developer Conference 2011 Melbourne. “For app makers and product engineers, we have one API: What do you need?”

Want to spend 3 months in Amsterdam? Sign up here

Posted Dec 15, 2011 by VentureBeat, author Ciara Byrne

Think Amsterdam, and “startup hub” isn’t the first thing that springs to mind, but that may be about to change. Not one, but two startup accelerators just opened for business in the Dutch capital. Throw in the burgeoning Appsterdam movement, the world-class local creative industry and the unique Amsterdam “vibe,” and you get an intriguing mix for startup founders.

Appsterdam, A Haven for Indie Developers

Posted June 27, 2011 by VentureBeat, author Ciara Byrne

It’s hard to get the famously phlegmatic Dutch excited but Mike Lee had a room full of them (and other nationalities) clapping and whooping Saturday in the style of an old-school preacher. Why? Appsterdam, Lee’s attempt to create a new home for app makers in city of Amsterdam.

Appsterdam Legal Foundation: Operation Anthill Legal Summit

Posted Sep 19, 2011 on SPECTRE mailing list for media art and culture in Europe, author Olga Paraskevopoulou

Conflicting dynamics within the mobile ecosystem question its future and whether it will leverage a proprietary paradigm or innovation should stem from collaborative and communal efforts making use of open systems and open source software. Open innovation refers to the ways companies can benefit from distributed knowledge, external ideas and external routes to market. This informs the idea that most successful innovation happens not as a linear process but in environments which encourage the circulation of ideas and approaches.

Inspiration stage: Mike Lee – Appsterdam

Posted Sep 30, 2011 on 1%CLUB Blog, author Bertil van Vugt

Mike would like to see many American developers to move to Amsterdam for a work-holiday or for a year. “Even if nobody moved here, just having everyone in our industry come to one place for part of their year adds up to a net community strong enough to attract people, launch new ideas, and fuel sustainable growth,” he says. Read his blog-post where is explaining his decision to make the move to Amsterdam.

App Genius Mike Lee Talks Product Engineering

Posted Sep 20, 2011 on ReadWriteEnterprise, author Joe Brockmeier

Finally, Lee closed the talk by promoting Appsterdam as a project, and Amsterdam (his home) as a place to live and work. The Netherlands, says Lee, “is a really well-run country” full of nerds. “Even the non-nerdiest Dutch person is nerdier than the average American.”

Mike Lee and Brian LeRoux on Mobile Development, Patents, Cross Platform UIs (video)

Posted Dec 22, 2011 on InfoQ, author Werner Schuster

Mike Lee and Brian LeRoux discuss how patents affect app developers and approaches to keep away patent trolls. Also: when to choose native GUIs over web GUIs for mobile apps - and when not.

Appsterdam: building a haven for app developers in Amsterdam

Posted Jun 28, 2011 on TUAW, author Kelly Hodgkins

Mike Lee “chose Amsterdam for his new Appsterdam project after traveling the world looking at prospective cities. It has the right combination of affordability and is centrally located in Europe. Amsterdam, he notes, is already filled with creative and marketing people.”

360iDev: Mike Lee talks about mariachi, project engineering and Appsterdam

Posted Sep 13th, 2011 at TUAW, author Mike Schramm

And finally, Lee went into an extended pitch for Appsterdam, a venture he’s trying to put together in Amsterdam for mobile and app developers. Lee suggested that not only is the Netherlands city a great place for developers and programmers to go and work, but Amsterdam itself is a great place for Americans to live, promising the audience at 360iDev that the country offered universal health care, net neutrality and even marriage equality to anyone willing to move out there with him. He even extolled the local library, saying, “it’s like the library was built by Apple out of Ikea,” suggesting that developers there come out and see it (and imagine their children growing up there).

spllr commented 12 years ago

I added the press page.

I removed the old about text from the press page.

I think we should add a "More Info" like page under about with this text.

I agree it should be somewhere on the site but about and press don't seem to be the places.

g7morris commented 12 years ago

@pdarcey Perhaps you and @g7morris can come up with text for this once visible?

g7morris commented 12 years ago

@spllr update the About Page with the remaining amount of content from @pdarcey

swade1987 commented 4 years ago

Issues go stale after 60d of inactivity.