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Need speaker for 2 Oct. WWLL #54

Closed tross6 closed 10 years ago

tross6 commented 10 years ago

Opening this issue for Eddy to help him find a speaker for 2 Oct. Moving the conversation from e-mail to Github.

General note: let's help people who are new to Github by maybe opening their first issue or other things like that. Sometimes it's hard to make that first step for people who haven't used it.

Thanks, Eddy for all your hard work to keep the WWLL speaker schedule organized.

From Eddy:

"Does anyone of you know someone who might be interested to speak next Wednesday? There were some shifts in the schedule, and I left someone in on 2 October who I should have moved. I sent out a tweet, but if some of you happen to know one.. please let me know."

tross6 commented 10 years ago

BTW, I have no idea why part of my post above is large and bold. It formatted itself that way after I hit "comment".

matteom commented 10 years ago

I fixed it. That was because comments on Github are parsed using markdown, and appending a line of dashes to some text makes it a title, although that is not specified in the "GitHub Flavored Markdown" link that you find in the upper right corner of every comment box.

You can find the complete syntax of markdown here.

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

Thanks, Tara, for opening this up as an issue on GitHub!

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

Tara thanks for your help and showing me the way into Github! (Eddy)

clepetitatl commented 10 years ago

I'll be around that week and could do a talk...not sure what on though, so if anyone has any requests (I know about Atlassian and Support :P) I could put something together :)

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

Go for it, @clepetit! Nick Pellow did a presentation on bugtracking and Jira a couple years ago. That might be a good topic to cover again.

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

Hi all, I'm really sorry for the confusion. But Alessandro is still on for the WWLL of 2 October.

For 16, 23 and 30 October we still need speakers though. @clepetit, are you perhaps around one of these dates as well? In any case thank you for reaching out, really appreciated!

clepetitatl commented 10 years ago

I'll be there on the 30th - I'll work on a talk for then.

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks a lot! We'll be in touch.

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

@Oosterhuis: Did you ever hear back from Tristan about speaking?