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Special Peer Lab, Oct 20 #59

Closed judykitteh closed 10 years ago

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

Hi @sgoodwin @ribeto

Tristan O'Tierney (@tristan) and Matt Thompson (@mattt) will be visiting Amsterdam/Appsterdam next month. Since Mattt asked about possible speaking opportunities, I thought it'd be a good idea to hold a special Peer Lab while they're both here. I chose Sunday, October 20th because Mike and I will be out of town until the 19th, and Mattt's only here October 18-22.

My idea is to run the event like the labs at AltWWDC, where Mattt and Tristan can do a little talk in the beginning (45 minutes or so), and then we open up the floor to a long Q&A.

These are the topics Mattt is most interested in covering:

I haven't been to the place where you guys normally hold the Peer Lab, but I have a feeling a lot of people will want to come to this, so I propose we hold it at Appsterdam HQ, order food/drinks, and charge people €5 (more?) to cover the costs. Sound good?

sgoodwin commented 10 years ago

Sounds like not-peer-lab, but could still be a cool event. Peer lab charges no money, we just have it at a cafe where people buy their own coffee or food if they want it. Is €5 per person enough for food/drinks?

ribeto commented 10 years ago

I agree that we should make this a special event due to the different time and setting. If we do it in HQ can we move the tables around? If not it's not the best place for it maybe doing it in Glimworm would be better in this case. I watched Mattt's talk from the NYC ios meetup and I'm assuming he'll have some slides.

My suggestion is not so much of a peer lab but a lunchtime lecture followed by going to a pub. That way we might not need to get money but just have everyone bring food and do the usual donation before his talk

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

Ok, then I'll just call it something else.

AFAIK he didn't have any slides at the AltWWDC lab, but I'm fine with working around what he has in mind. We can't move the tables around at the HQ. I'll see if we can use one of the meeting rooms instead.

Thanks for your input, I'll put it on the Meetup after I've confirmed things with Mattt and Tristan.

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

Tristan just told me he won't be in Amsterdam until Oct 26th, so it'll just be Mattt.

sgoodwin commented 10 years ago

Awww. I'd love to talk to Mattt at least. Yay

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

In case anyone didn't see it, the event is on Meetup now.

Is anyone free to be my "right-hand man?" It's always nice to have another person to help put out drinks, move chairs, etc.

sgoodwin commented 10 years ago

I can help if you still need someone. I might not be able to be there right when it starts, is that ok?

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

@sgoodwin I was hoping for someone to be there with me before the event starts so we can set up the room.

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

I asked Anne about using the meeting room, so that we can set it up like we do at the lectures. He said it will cost €25/hour (so €50 total for a 2-hour event) to cover security opening and closing the doors. @mmeiborg is this cost ok? If not, then I'll just keep it in the workhotel.

sgoodwin commented 10 years ago

Good news, I can be there early on Sunday. What time do you want me?

mmeiborg commented 10 years ago

At Sunday you can do it in the workhotel. No room-hire needed.

Martinus Meiborg

On 16 Oct 2013, at 14:24, Samuel Goodwin wrote:

Good news, I can be there early on Sunday. What time do you want me?

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judykitteh commented 10 years ago

@sgoodwin Looks like there won't be very many people there afterall. Only 15 RSVP's. Can you be there 30 minutes early, so 13:30? Or to lunch before that, about noonish. I'm gonna take Mattt to the Pancake Bakery. :)

@ribeto Tomorrow when you're in the workhotel, can you make sure there are at least 16 chairs in the room? If you need more chairs, just ask Anne if you can take some from the meeting rooms.

@mmeiborg Yeah, since turnout will be low, we'll just do it in the workhotel. Please make sure to have the beamer back in the room so I can use it. :)

ticofab commented 10 years ago

@judykitteh I'm here today, all fine :) but indeed there are few chairs. How to get them back in case more are needed?

judykitteh commented 10 years ago

The designer chairs (the ones with price tags on them) were on loan from the furniture designer to A Lab. Since nobody was buying the chairs, the designer took them back. If more chairs are needed, just ask Anne to bring some in from the meeting rooms.

Judy Chen Chief Operating Officer Stichting Appsterdam +31 6 50437181 @judykitteh

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 11:14 AM, ticofab wrote:

@judykitteh I'm here today, all fine :) but indeed there are few chairs. How to get them back in case more are needed?

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sgoodwin commented 10 years ago

Lunch at the pancake bakery? I'm down with that.

ribeto commented 10 years ago

I'm down for pancakes

On October 17, 2013 at 12:27:29 PM, Samuel Goodwin ( wrote:

Lunch at the pancake bakery? I'm down with that.

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judykitteh commented 10 years ago

Thanks for helping out, you guys! It was a very nice event.

Closing this issue.