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WWLL speakers needed for 20 November and after #74

Closed Oosterhuis closed 10 years ago

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago


Our agenda is running empty for the rest of the year. Of course we would like to end the year with a great line-up, so if you could check your own network for speakers, or you would like to speak yourself, that would be highly appreciated!

Cheers, Eddy

matteom commented 10 years ago

As a side note, since the WWLL has been running for more than two years, this seems to be cyclical. Every year around May-June the agenda fills up for the next two months, while in November and December runs dry and we have difficulties finding speakers.

andremedeiros commented 10 years ago

What kind of topics are you looking for?

I've been working on a computer vision game that could be interesting to talk about, perhaps. A brief introduction to Computer Vision.

Either that or how to bind C libraries to Ruby through extensions.

jvhellemond commented 10 years ago

I have given some talks at Fronteers meetings, the Fronteers Jam Sessions and /dev/haag meetups about:

See for some useless-without-the-audio slidedecks. Would be nice to revisit these topics, or anything else related to front-end [performant|responsive|mobile] web(app) development.

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@andremedeiros Computer vision is a great topic. Lecture topics range from more marketing oriented to legal issues to more technical / scientific topics like yours.. The speech should not have a commercial character though (not trying to sell) but rather be informative.

@andremedeiros @jvhellemond When would you like to speak? Thank you both for your reaction.

jvhellemond commented 10 years ago

From the second half of December. Currently on a project out-of-town and unavailable on Wednesdays.

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@jvhellemond I can put you down for 18 December, which makes you the last speaker of the year.

andremedeiros commented 10 years ago

I can do 20th.

We've built a working board game with a CV component, so I could go through the process we've used to build the game (nothing commercial, we're giving it out for free SOON!)

Is that alright?

jvhellemond commented 10 years ago

For the meeting on 18 December, when would be the deadline for a subject?

PlayfulPandas commented 10 years ago

If it can be of any use, I can make a talk about interaction design for behavior change, introduce some methods and showcase examples of apps with great persuasive design

PlayfulPandas commented 10 years ago

and I can ask the Quantified Self founders, James Burke, Maarten van Braber? Probably it's a relevant topic

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@andremedeiros That's great. I'll put you down for 20 November. For questions you can also mail me directly on @jvhellemond deadline would be 11 December @PlayfulPandas Please pick your date;-) Both topics look interesting to me

andremedeiros commented 10 years ago

@Oosterhuis actually just realised I'm in Groningen on the 20th. Can I do the 27th?

Sorry :-(

PlayfulPandas commented 10 years ago

it wednesday 4 empty? then I can do that

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

Great! Noted down as well. Now only November 27 and December 11 are still open. Can you guys all send me a quick email on with your name and contact details, and, later on, the summary? Thanks a lot!

andremedeiros commented 10 years ago

@oosterhuis I've just corrected my date. The 27th works for me, not the 20th. Is that alright?

jvhellemond commented 10 years ago

Sure, put me down for 18 December. I'll send you an e-mail.

PlayfulPandas commented 10 years ago

I forgot, even after seeing so many, how long should it be? one hour? 45 min + questions? thanks

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@andremedeiros Sure, 27 is fine too! @PlayfulPandas I would say minimum 30 minutes, maximum 1 hour. 40-45 mins + questions is perfect.

philsquared commented 10 years ago

Would there be any interest in a talk/ discussion I've been doing around Agile in Mobile? The premise of the presentation is that Agile has a much lower adoption in the mobile dev world and I look at some of the reasons (in my view) that this might be, as well as asking the hard questions about whether there is a case for it at all (and if so in what form?). The presentation portion covers my current impression of these matters then opens up to the audience to offer their views, opinions and perspectives (the idea being there are no definitive answers, so I'd like to get the dialog started). So far I've been giving it to Agile-oriented audiences (which included some mobile devs). It would be great to get the other side of the story - from primarily mobile developers who don't necessarily already have a background in Agile (could maybe bust some myths along the way too).

Looks like the schedule is filling up for this year already but there's no rush from my perspective.

ratkins commented 10 years ago

I'm definitely keen to participate in something like that, @philsquared.

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@philsquared @ratkins Great stuff, I'm sure there will be interest in that. For this year, only December 11 is still open. You can also already pick a date in the new year, January 8 or later. Just let me know..

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

We are now fully booked for the year! Plenty of spots available of course for 2014..

philsquared commented 10 years ago

Thanks @Oosterhuis (and @ratkins). Then how about January 15th?

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

I've put you in the schedule for the 15th. Thanks!

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@philsquared Can you mail me your contact details?

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@andremedeiros Can you send me your contact details on

andremedeiros commented 10 years ago

@Oosterhuis done!

Oosterhuis commented 10 years ago

@PlayfulPandas Can you send me your contact details and a short summary of your talk to show on Meetup? Thanks!

PlayfulPandas commented 10 years ago

ok, I'll do that later today - my talk is December 4, right?