AppsusUK / NFT-Art-Generator

Easy to use NFT art generator app for windows/linux/mac
MIT License
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Disallow Duplication #3

Closed LiamKenyon closed 3 years ago

LiamKenyon commented 3 years ago

An option to tick/untick allowing duplicates. After a brief run duplicates are created before all possible options are done.

AppsusUK commented 3 years ago

Yes an option to allow duplicates can be added, thank you for the suggestion it's been noted!

We'll look into duplicates as from out testing we haven't found any

AbdulDridi commented 3 years ago

An option to tick/untick allowing duplicates. After a brief run duplicates are created before all possible options are done.

Hey Liam, just to confirm, you're saying that you're seeing duplicates being generated? This shouldn't really be happening as we currently dissalow duplication, so this would be a bug!

Any chance you could provide a reproducable test case/steps to reproduce duplication?

I also want to confirm that the duplication was seen on a single generation run, as every generation batch is currently independent and if performed directly after another, will overwite the generated files.

Thanks for the report!

LiamKenyon commented 3 years ago

Hi, yeah I had duplicates created while doing a test run off 50 generated.

I will try and reproduce it again later and see if I can record.

I had 5 image layers and 3 (common, legendary & rare) levels.

AbdulDridi commented 3 years ago

Hi, yeah I had duplicates created while doing a test run off 50 generated.

I will try and reproduce it again later and see if I can record.

I had 5 image layers and 3 (common, legendary & rare) levels.

Thanks, that would be awesome, I couldn't find an obvious place in which the duplication occurs, so having a solid example would narrow it down super quickly

One question I do have though, for the duplicate images you were seeing, were you sharing any image files between the common, legendary & rare folders you have?

I.e. Layer Background Rarity Folders ---Common --- ---black.png
--- ---black.png
--- ---black.png

Where all black.pngs looked the same? (our program would say they are different files)